- XIII-th BRICS Trade Union Forum. Sochi (Russia), September 7-9, 2024
- 12-th BRICS Trade Union Forum. Durban (South Africa). September 26-27, 2023
- XI BRICS Trade Union Forum. China. July 13, 2022.
- X BRICS Trade Union Forum. India. July 14, 2021.
- IX BRICS Trade Union Forum. Saint Petrsburg 2020.
- VIII BRICS Trade Union Forum. Brasilia 2019.
- VII BRICS Trade Union Forum. Durban 2018.
- VI BRICS Trade Union Forum. Beijing. July 24-25, 2017
- V BRICS Trade Union Forum. New-Delhi (India), September 26-27, 2016
- IV Trade Union Forum BRICS. Ufa (Russian Federation), July 9, 2015
- III Trade Union Forum BRICS. Fortaleza (Brazil), July 15-16, 2014.
- II BRICS Trade Union Forum. Durban (South Africa) March 23-24, 2013
- I Trade Union Forum BRICS. Moscow (Russian Federation), December 11, 2012.
- Delegates of the XIIIth BRICS Trade Union Forum took part in the annual meeting of Labor and Employment Ministers in Sochi. 2024.09.09.
- BRICS trade unions attend LEMM in Durban 2023.09.28
- Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh presents trade union position at BRICS labour ministerial
- 6th Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Labour and Employment
- BRICS Trade Union Forum delegates attend the Labour Ministerial Meeting
- BRICS trade unions attend 4th LEMM in Durban
- BRICS unions attend the 1st Employment Working Group meeting in South Africa
- Trade unions delegates consultation. 3rd Annual Meeting of BRICS Labour and Employment Ministers in Chongqing
- Trade unions delegates consultation. Johannesburg. November 14-15, 2016
- Trade unions delegates consultation on the fields of BRICS labor and employment ministers' Meeting. New Delhi, September 2016.
- Trade unions delegates consultation on the fields of BRICS labor and employment ministers' Meeting. Ufa, January 2016.
- The 13-th BRICS Trade Union Forum was held in Sochi
- Participants in the Trade Union Forum are planning to hold their meeting in 2024 in an expanded format under the theme of "Strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security."
- Since the beginning of 2024, the chairmanship of the BRICS passed to the Russian Federation.
- The XIIth BRICS Trade Union Forum will be held in Durban (South Africa) on September, 2023.
- On July 13, the 11th Plenary Session of BRICS Trade Union Forum was held via videoconference
- On July 15, 2021, the regular annual meeting of the Ministers of Labour and Employment of the BRICS countries was held through videoconference
- 10th BRICS Trade Union Forum plenary held via videoconference
- The 9th BRICS Trade Union Forum to be held by videoconference on October 30, 2020
- Sixth meeting of BRICS Ministers of labour and employment
- Russian trade unions will celebrate May Day, the Day of international solidarity of workers, in the form of an interactive campaign
- National report of the Russian Federation at the 13th BRICS Trade Union Forum. Sochi, September7, 2024.
- Speech by Olani Sekata Duressa, Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions. September 7th, 2024
- Speech by Oliya Alibeigi, Chairman of the Board of the Confederation of Islamic Labor Councils of Iran. September 7th, 2024
- Speech by Gerald Twala, Deputy General Secretary of the Congress of South African Trade Unions. September 7th, 2024
- Speech by Abdelmonem Elgamal, President of the Egyptian Trade Union Federation. September 7th, 2024
- Speech by Zhong Hongjiang, Vice Chairman of the ACFTU and Secretary of the Secretariat. September 7th, 2024
- Speech by СНЕТТУКАТIL JOSE JOSEPH, National Secretary AITUC. September 7, 2024.
- Speech By Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh Saji Narayanan C.K. Ganesh Misra. September 7, 2024.
- Speech by the Central dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras do Brasil, by Carlos Muller -Deputy Secretary of International Relations of the CTB. September 7, 2024.
- Speech by Sérgio Nobre, President of CUT. September, 2024.
- Speech by mr. Miguel Torres, President of Força Sindical. September 7, 2024.
- Opening Remarks by the President of COSATU, Zingiswa Losi
- Keynote Address by Mr. TW Nxesi MP, SA Minister of Employment and Labour
- Country report of the Russian Federation at the 11th BRICS Trade Union Forum China, July 13, 2022
- Welcome address by Mikhail Shmakov, President of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia to the 11th BRICS Trade Union Forum July 13, 2022
- Report by Mr. Mikhail Shmakov at the 10th BRICS Trade Union Forum. July 14-15, 2021.
- Speech at the 10th BRICS Trade Union Forum by Mr. Jiang Guangping, 14th July, 2021
- Opening remarks by Mr. Mikhail Shmakov. Saint Petersburg, October 30, 2020.
- Welcoming address Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov’s
- Report by Mr. Anton Kotyakov, Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
- Report by Mr. Alexander Shokhin, President of Russian Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)
- Report by Maria Helena André, Director of the ILO Bureau for Workers' Activities (ACTRAV)
- Report by Eduardo de Souza Maia, NCST, Deputy Director of International Relations
- Report by Miguel Eduardo Torres, Força Sindical, President
- Report by Antônio Lisboa, CUT, International Relations Director
- Report by Mário Teixeira, CTB, Secretary for Legal Affairs
- Report by Ricardo Patah, UGT, President
- Report by Sergio Arnoud, CSB, Vice President
- Report by Evgeny Makarov, FNPR Vice-President, National BRICS Trade Union Coordinator
- Report by Bojji Surendran, BMS, Organising Secretary
- Report by Sh. Harbhajan Singh Sidhu, HMS, General Secretary
- Report by Mr. Jiang Guangping from All-China Federation of Trade Unions
- Report by Mr. Bheki Ntshalintshali, COSATU, General Secretary
- BRICS: Towards New Horizons of Strategic Partnership
- Information technology: an advanced area of the new technological revolution
- The production and processing of agricultural products: food security aspect of development, jobs creation and eradication of poverty and income disparity
- The BRICS and Trade Union Action Issues for discussion
- Recent Labour Policies in the BRICS Countries: the case of China, India and Brazil
- Declaration of the 13 th BRICS Trade Union Forum September 8, 2024 Sochi, Russian Federation
- Procedure for the admission to BRICS Trade Union Forum
- Declaration of the 12th BRICS Trade Union Forum (Durban. South Africa. September 26-27, 2023)
- Declaration of the 11th BRICS Trade Union Forum (China. July 13, 2022)
- Rules of BRICS Trade Union Forum
- 10th BRICS Trade Union Forum Meeting. Joint Decaration
- Declaration of the 9th BRICS Trade Union Forum (St.Petersburg. October 30, 2020)
- VIII BRICS Trade Union Forum Declaration. (Brasilia. September 18-20,2019)
- VII BRICS Trade Union Forum Declaration. (Durban, July 27-29,2018)
- Statement by BRICS Trade Unions to the BRICS Labour and Employment Ministers’ Meeting. Chóngqìng (China) July 26, 2017
- Appeal of the delegates to the VIth BRICS Trade Union Forum to New Development Bank BRICS
- Appeal of the VIth BRICS Trade Union Forum delegates to BRICS Business Council
- VI BRICS Trade Union Forum Declaration (Beijing, July 25, 2017)
- Joint communique BRICS Trade Union Forum. New Delhi, September 29,2016.
- Joint Communiqué BRICS Trade Union Forum. Ufa, January 26,2016
- IV BRICS Trade Union Forum Declaration (Ufa, July 9,2015)
- III BRICS Trade Union Forum Declaration (Fortaleza, July 15,2014)
- II BRICS Trade Union Forum Declaration (Durban, March 24,2013)
- I BRICS Trade Union Forum Declaration (Moskow, December 11,2012)
- All-India Trade Union Congress
- Hind Mazdoor Sabha (Workers Assembly of India)
- South African Federation of Trade Unions
- Central Geral dos Trabalhadores do Brasil
- All-China Federation of Trade Unions
- Central Única dos Trabalhadores (Unified Workers' Central)
- Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia
- Central dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras do Brasil
- Força Sindical
- Nova Central Sindical de Trabalhadores
- União Geral dos Trabalhadores
- Confederation of Labour of Russia
- Congress of South African Trade Unions
- Federation of Unions of South Africa
- National Council of Trade Unions
- Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (Indian Workers' Union)
- Indian National Trade Union Congress
Trade unions delegates consultation. 3rd Annual Meeting of BRICS Labour and Employment Ministers in Chongqing
Delegates of national trade union centres from all BRICS countries were given an opportunity to express their views on the issues on LEMM agenda and to engage in open exchange with the ministers and employer representatives.
Trade unions delegates consultation. Johannesburg. November 14-15, 2016
Representatives of national trade union centres from Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa discussed topical issues of cooperation within BRICS during the international trade union workshop held on November 14-15, 2016 in Johannesburg (South Africa).
Trade unions delegates consultation on the fields of BRICS labor and employment ministers' Meeting. New Delhi, September 2016.
On September 26-27, 2016 the 2nd BRICS Labour and Employment Ministers’ Meeting took place in New Delhi with a meeting of BRICS trade union representatives held on its sidelines.