On July 15, 2021, the regular annual meeting of the Ministers of Labour and Employment of the BRICS countries was held through videoconference
BRICS Labour Ministerial
On July 15, 2021, the regular annual meeting of the Ministers of Labour and Employment of the BRICS countries was held through videoconference chaired by the Minister of Labour of the Republic of India Mr. Bhupender Yadav.
During the meeting presentations were made by the senior officials representing Ministries of Labour and Employment of all five BRICS countries, as well as the ILO Director General Mr. Guy Ryder and the ISSA Secretary General Mr. Marcelo Caetano. The panel also included social partners: Mr. Pradeep Bhargava representing Indian employer organisations and the BMS General secretary Mr. Binoy Kumar Sinha representing trade unions.
The participation of social partners in the meetings of labour ministers is an important element in the development of a channel of social dialogue between employers, trade unions and government representatives of the BRICS countries, where, as is well known, dialogue on labour relations is promoted at the highest level. However, each country has its own specific features and historically established forms of interaction. The continued joint participation of social partners in the ministerial meeting under the Indian chairmanship was highly praised by all BRICS trade union centres.
Trade unions delegates consultation. 3rd Annual Meeting of BRICS Labour and Employment Ministers in Chongqing
Delegates of national trade union centres from all BRICS countries were given an opportunity to express their views on the issues on LEMM agenda and to engage in open exchange with the ministers and employer representatives.
Trade unions delegates consultation. Johannesburg. November 14-15, 2016
Representatives of national trade union centres from Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa discussed topical issues of cooperation within BRICS during the international trade union workshop held on November 14-15, 2016 in Johannesburg (South Africa).
Trade unions delegates consultation on the fields of BRICS labor and employment ministers' Meeting. New Delhi, September 2016.
On September 26-27, 2016 the 2nd BRICS Labour and Employment Ministers’ Meeting took place in New Delhi with a meeting of BRICS trade union representatives held on its sidelines.