Trade Union Forum

Procedure for the admission to BRICS Trade Union Forum

Procedure for the admission to BRICS Trade Union Forum


1. The admission of new organisations to BRICS Trade Union Forum (hereinafter the Forum) results, as a rule, from the decision to expand BRICS membership made at the Leaders' Summit of BRICS countries.

2. In case of expansion of the national representation of a country already being a member of the Forum, new organisations shall be admitted to membership from among other national trade union centres of that country on the proposal of its current members.

3. In general, the admission of new members shall take place at a regular plenary meeting of the Forum.

Acquisition and termination of membership in BRICS Trade Union Forum

4. National trade union associations of BRICS countries, the founders of the Forum that signed the Declaration of BRICS Trade Union Forum on December 11, 2012, shall be its full members and possess all the rights and obligations that arise from the Rules of BRICS Trade Union Forum (hereinafter the Rules).

5. National trade union associations of new BRICS member countries can join the Forum subject to the recognition of the principles of the Forum - equality, mutual respect, non-interference in internal affairs, consensus in decision-making and compliance with the current Rules.

6. Acquisition of full membership, rights and responsibilities shall take place on the day of signing the Declaration on the Foundation of BRICS Trade Union Forum (hereinafter the Declaration) by an authorised representative of new member organisation, and designating a single national coordinator of the Forum for the country.

7. In the event of expansion of the national representation of BRICS member countries already represented in the Forum, an agreement between the country's full-membership organisations shall be reached on the expedience and possibility of such expansion.

8. Organisations not being national trade union centres of BRICS countries but representing the workers' side at the ILO’s International Labour Conferences shall be able to participate in the Forum’s activities as invited members.

9. Invited members shall have the right to participate in the Forum events, discuss draft decisions and documents insofar as they relate to the workers whose interests they represent. Invited members shall be required to abide by the Rules, adhere to the principles and decisions of the Forum, to take part in its activities and programmes. Invited members shall not be required to sign the Declaration. Therefore, their opinions shall not necessarily be taken into account when reaching a consensus.

10. The suspension or termination of membership in the Forum shall be decided individually at a plenary meeting based on a written application of a member organisation taking into account all attendant

Procedure for admitting new members

11. National Coordinator of the Forum, acting on behalf of the country holding the BRICS presidency, shall carry out the following preparatory work:

- agree on the list of national trade union centres, candidates for admission, with other full members of the Forum;

- extend accession invitations to candidate organisations on behalf of the Forum;

- keep record of the “Statements of consent” to join the Forum;

- issue invitations to attend the ceremony of signing the Declaration;

- facilitate procedural formalities required for the admission of new organisations to the Forum.

12. A national trade union centre invited to join the Forum as a full member shall draw up a written “Statement of consent” in keeping with the procedural rules established by its Charter and send it to the national coordinator of the Forum for the country holding the BRICS presidency.

13. Entry into full membership shall be implemented through signing the text of the Declaration by a representative of the applicant organisation in the presence of other Forum members, as a rule, during a regular plenary session.

14. In case a new BRICS country has more than one national trade union centre admitted to the Forum as full member, they shall jointly designate a single national coordinator ensuring the compliance with the Rules of the Forum.

15. Invited membership shall be acquired on the basis of a written “Statement of accession” drawn up by an organisation invited to join the Forum by the national coordinator of the Forum for the country holding the BRICS presidency. The Statement shall contain the organisation's commitment to comply with the principles, Rules and decisions of the Forum, to participate in its programmes and meetings, as well as in the implementation of other measures aimed at supporting the functioning of the Forum.

16. Entry into invited membership shall be carried out through a decision taken by the current full members of the Forum, as a rule, during a regular plenary session.

Final provisions

17. Within a month upon the completion of the admission procedure of new members, the national coordinator of the Forum for the country holding the BRICS presidency shall send electronic copies of all documents related to the admission of new members to the administrator of the website for posting.

18. Within a month after the accession, new participants in the Forum, who have entered into full or invited membership, shall send the background information about their organisation in English to the administrator of website for posting.

