V BRICS Trade Union Forum. New-Delhi (India), September 26-27, 2016
V BRICS Trade Union Forum in India, September 26-27, 2016
The 5th BRICS Trade Union Forum was held in New Delhi on September 26-27, 2016 arranged to coincide with the Labour and Employment Ministers’ Meeting of BRICS countries.
Representatives of national trade union centres of all BRICS countries held a number of panel discussions involving ILO and FES experts on issues placed on the LEMM agenda. The themes that evoked the most interest were ensuring Decent Work standards at newly created and modernized workplaces, formalizing the informal jobs, provision of social guarantees to working population and those unable to work due to age and other restrictions.
During the exchange of views delegates noted that social dialogue has not yet become a rule and a norm of interaction between the labour market players in all BRICS countries. National systems regulating social and labour relations differ significantly and in many instances largely depend on political environment. The authorities are readily willing to heed the voice of large national and international corporations’ representatives but with much less attention perceive trade union appeals. Eventually the priority is given to investments and business development, whereas the solution of social problems is put off under the pretext of insufficient funds.
Trade unions noted that the tripartite format of dialogue and consultations within BRICS, the first experience of which under the Russian presidency proved to be a success, implies the involvement of all social partners, including the employers. However, the employer delegations from several BRICS countries did not come to New Delhi for the labour ministerial which was not conductive to a productive work.
Delegates to the Forum discussed updates of the ACFTU on holding the Trade Union Forum in Beijing in 2017.