Information Bulletin of the BRICS Trade Union Forum

Monitoring of the economic, social and labor situation in the BRICS countries
Issue 20.2024
2024.05.13 — 2024.05.19
International relations
Foreign policy in the context of BRICS
Six Reasons for Vladimir Putin to Go to China (Шесть причин, по которым Владимир Путин поедет в Китай) / Russia, May, 2024
Keywords: expert_opinion, top_level_meeting, vladimir_putin

In mid-May Russia's President Vladimir Putin will fly to China on an official state visit. A sceptic would say that this visit is not really a big deal: the Russian leader and his Chinese counterpart, Chairman Xi Jinping had bilateral meetings at least forty times since 2013, when Xi was first elected as Chairman of PRC. The Russian President was in Beijing last time no longer ago than in October of 2023, when he participated to the high level "One belt, one road" Forum. Still, there are a couple of reasons for him to come to China again at this particular moment; the trip is likely to be quite special and important. Let us outline some of the most important motivations behind the planned trip.

Andrey Kortunov:
More Advanced Collaboration Expected in 2024 China-Russia Ties
First, courtesy. In March of 2023, after he had been reelected as 7th Chairman of the People's Republic of China, XI Jinping chose Moscow as his first foreign destination. This decision was duly appreciated by everyone in Russia, including even those who do not follow international affairs. Vladimir Putin was reelected as 3rd President of the Russian Federation in March of this year and it is only natural that he wants to pay back courtesy to his longtime partner and friend by going to China prior to exploring other travel itineraries. Symbolically, this decision underscores the importance of Beijing to the Kremlin. After having met Xi Jinping, the Russian leader may consider visiting a number of other non-Western capitals, including Ankara, Tehran and Pyongyang.

Second, bilateral relations. It is essential for the two leaders to compare notes on the current state of the bilateral relations that evolved significantly since their last meeting in October. 2023 turned out to be a very successful year for the Russia-China economic cooperation with the bilateral trade reaching the all-time record of 240 billion US dollars. However, the West remains firmly committed to disrupt this trend and the Western pressure on Beijing is constantly growing. Not surprisingly, the Chinese private sector is getting increasingly concerned about the scope of the likely negative impact that secondary sanctions might have on their business prospects. After the European Union had introduced its 12th package of restrictive measures against Moscow, a number of the leading China's banks became reluctant to accept dollar payments from Russia; as a result, in March the bilateral trade suffered a mild setback of 2%. With the Chinese export to Russia going down by 14% on the yearly basis (from USD 8,9 billion to USD 7,6 billion), while the Russian export to China continued to grow and reached USD 12 billion. The most recent trip of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to China in April confirmed once again that the Biden Administration will continue to complicate the Russia-China economic interaction to the extent possible. Apparently, Putin and Xi should focus on how to make sure that the United States will not succeed in its efforts and that the bilateral trade by the end of 2024 will indeed amount to USD 280–290 billion as planned. Summit meetings usually serve as powerful catalysts for bilateral trade and investments; let's hope that this pattern will be confirmed once again by the forthcoming Putin-Xi summit.

Third, global developments. Those who hoped that 2024 would become a turning point in global politics shifting it from conflicts and confrontation to peace and reconciliation were bitterly disappointed: we have entered yet another dramatic year with many tragic events taking place in various corners of the world. The Russian-Ukrainian and the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts are not stopped, the Houthis continue to target military and commercial vessels in the Red Sea, Sahel countries and Sudan are simmering and can explode at any moment, global defense spending and global arms trade in 2024 reached their historic highs. On the other hand, 2024 also offers a number of opportunities that should not be overlooked. It is the year for BRICS to properly digest and absorb its recent enlargement, and Russia will have to manage the process chairing the club and hosting the next BRICS summit in fall. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization might also start changing by accepting Belarus as a member and exploring new opportunities for multilateral cooperation. Clear enough, the Russian and Chinese leaders have a lot of issues to discuss on the volatile global situation and to coordinate their reactions to swift changes.

Ivan Timofeev:
Eurasian Security Structure: From Idea to Practice
Fourth, frictions with the West. The two leaders will definitely not omit an opportunity to talk about their nations' respective uneasy relations with the West. By the time he meets President Putin, Chairman Xi will still be quite fresh from his trip to Paris, Belgrade and Budapest, which is scheduled for May 5–10 and is the first such tour in five years. He is likely to share his impressions with the colleague from Moscow. My feeling is that the two leaders have not quite opposite, but somewhat different views on Europe: while Putin remains highly skeptical of any 'strategic autonomy' of European nations from the United States, Xi apparently still hopes that Beijing's cooperation with major European powers as well as with the European Union in general, can be preserved even if the China-US relations continue going sour. The jury is still in session on this critical question, but a candid exchange of views on Europe and on the political trends within the United States, the likely outcome of the November elections including, should constitute a significant item of the Putin-Xi agenda.

Fifth, emerging world order. The two leaders are also likely to discuss more general matters of the emerging new world order, such as the preferred role of the UN system, the future of strategic stability along with various dimensions of global and regional governance. Many specific dimensions of the new world order remain very vague and ambiguous; for instance, it is not clear what might happen to the existing nonproliferation regime, how to coordinate efforts to defeat international terrorism and to contain the reckless arms race, what can be done to enhance the efficiency of international law and so on. However, it is crystal-clear that one of the key challenges for both Moscow and Beijing is about how to provide tangible global commons in a highly volatile and unpredictable world with no universally accepted hegemonic power in charge. The Russian and the Chinese visions on the desirable international transition are not identical, but they are very close to each other; it is therefore essential to discuss both converging and diverging views on major components of the emerging world order.

Sixth, human dimensions. The trip might well produce some other positive results, which do not look really breathtaking, but nonetheless are very important not only for ordinary Russian and Chinese citizens, but for the two nations at large, because they are weaving the social fabric of the relationship. The approaching 75-years anniversary since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Moscow and Beijing is a nice opportunity not only to stage a standard chain of public fora, cultural events, business-to-business meetings and academic conferences, but also to promote grass-roots people-to-people contacts. In particular, the two leaders are likely to pay special attention to expanding bilateral links in higher education, in R&D projects and in transborder interactions. Personally, I would like Putin and Xi to make a breakthrough on moving to the non-visa regime between the two neighboring countries. It is hard to understand why, given the excellent state of the Russia-China relations, many of us on both sides of the border still have to stand in long lines waiting for single-entry visas to be stamped in our passports.

Dmitriy Kiku:
Positions of BRICS Nations on UN Security Council Reform
A lot of Putin-Xi conversations will take place behind closed doors, which is only natural under the current challenging geopolitical circumstances. However, the two leaders can release a political statement or a joint declaration that would reflect the areas of consensus and the list of priorities that their nations share. When and if such a document becomes publicly available, it will definitely deserve a very careful and attentive reading by everyone interested in monitoring the Russia-China relations.

These days, even foreigners know that in China the number 'six' is associated with the meaning of "smooth" as it shares the same pronunciation as the character 溜. This number promises a successful and productive conclusion of business. Let's hope that all the above mentioned six items of the anticipated Putin's agenda in China will be properly covered and considered.

Yet, we should stay realistic and manage our expectations. A single meeting between two political leaders, even if the two leaders happen to be Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, cannot possibly reverse all the ongoing negative trends in the global developments. The meeting will not produce miracles or replace the need for a continuous and meticulous work of bureaucrats, diplomats, military, media, baseness and civil society leaders. Neither stable and productive Russian-Chinese relations can be considered a substitute to inclusive and efficient multilateral arrangements. Still, it cannot be denied that a strong personal bond between Putin and Xi serves as a significant factor contributing to the overall stability in our less than stable world.
                Russia, Egypt Discuss BRICS Expansion Under Russian Chairmanship (Россия и Египет обсудили расширение БРИКС под председательством России) / Egypt, May, 2024
                Keywords: brics+

                Russia and Egypt held talks on the expansion and cooperation within the BRICS group of nations, as Russia assumed its 2024 presidency of the association.

                Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov met with Egyptian Ambassador to Moscow Nazih El-Nagari to discuss these issues, according to a statement from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, TV BRICS reported.

                The discussions focused on strengthening cooperation among members under Russia's leadership, with an emphasis on the upcoming summit scheduled for October in Kazan.

                The diplomats also addressed other shared concerns on the international agenda.

                This year marks a significant expansion for BRICS, with Egypt, Iran, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, and Saudi Arabia joining the original members Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

                The group has undergone two waves of expansion since its formation in 2006. South Africa joined the original members in 2011, and the latest addition of six countries marks a major development for the association.
                              BRICS Guiding Principles and the Global Alternative (Руководящие принципы БРИКС и глобальная альтернатива) / Russia, May, 2024
                              Keywords: expert_opinion, global_governance

                              The question of the transition from a symbolic alternative to a real one in the activities of BRICS still remains relevant. This can be seen in both political and expert discussions among member countries, writes Valdai Club Programme Director Oleg Barabanov.

                              During last year's BRICS Summit in South Africa, the member states adopted an interesting document in connection with the announced expansion of the group. The document clearly formulates the guiding principles for BRICS' membership expansion, which all new countries planning to join must recognize. This year's expansion of BRICS took place in accordance with these guidelines. Given the large number of countries expressing a desire to join BRICS (intentions to join were even submitted after the decision to expand last year), it can be assumed that these principles will continue to be used in future possible rounds of BRICS membership expansions.

                              It should be noted that all these clearly articulated "Guiding Principles" are not only significant in the context of the group's expansion, but also on their own merits. We have already noted that, among all the formats of multilateral summits regularly held at the present time, communiqués based on their outcomes in the case of BRICS seem to be among the most significant.

                              This can be explained by the fact that BRICS, in its current format at least, brings together the largest countries from the non-Western world. These countries share, or have similar, values and interests, which makes BRICS an association of like-minded countries. Of course, this does not imply that all member states fully agree on everything. In real-world politics, it is difficult to imagine such a situation. However, it is clear that the shared geopolitical and geo-economic interests of the largest countries in the Global South and Non-West are an objective reality that outweighs their differences.

                              That is why, in our opinion, the lengthy communiqués issued after the annual BRICS summits are the most interesting and less boring documents of their kind to read. This is primarily due to the fact that, in these BRICS documents, we believe, the very concept of a global alternative that has been much discussed in the modern world is manifested and formulated quite clearly.

                              BRICS is one of the most significant examples of this concept in terms of its composition. This makes the BRICS-related documents ideologically significant in their content, in a positive sense. These annual communiqués collectively represent the belief system of the contemporary non-Western world and its evolution from year to year.

                              In this regard, it is important to note the following. From time to time, both in political and expert circles, the question arises: what has the BRICS achieved in all these years? Depending on the views of a particular author, different assessments can be heard, sometimes even contradictory. However, we believe there is no doubt that BRICS has succeeded in developing and operationalizing a set of ideas and values that reflect the non-Western worldview. At present, BRICS represents an ideological alternative to Western-centric mainstream ideas and concepts. With the formulation of the "Guiding Principles," this alternative has taken on a more concrete and comprehensible form.

                              By the way, it will be interesting to see whether the overall tone of the final BRICS documents changes after the expansion. Two of the new BRICS members that were invited last year, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, are more integrated into the Western world compared to the "old" BRICS member states. This is primarily due to economic and financial reasons, but also political factors. Politics often follows economic trends. To a certain extent, these countries can be considered part of the expanded "global West" both in terms of their geo-economic and, to a certain degree, geopolitical influence.

                              It is interesting to consider whether their participation in BRICS has a significant impact on the evolution and possible transformation of their system of values and priorities in the near future. It remains to be seen whether the declarations and statements made by BRICS in this regard will become more moderate and less representative of the aforementioned global alternative. Only time will tell, and it will be especially interesting to compare the final documents from the upcoming BRICS summit with previous ones in this context.

                              In any case, the guiding principles for BRICS, approved a year ago, provide a framework for the future development of this organization. Moreover, they define in a succinct and slogan-like manner the global alternative that BRICS represents.

                              Let us recall that there are a total of nine principles. It is not necessary to reproduce them all here in this text. We would like to note only that the first principle seems to be extremely important from an ideological and conceptual standpoint. It directly refers to "The BRICS Spirit", which expresses, according to this principle, mutual respect and understanding, equality, solidarity, openness, inclusiveness, and consensus. Other principles emphasize the need for strengthening multilateralism, promoting institutional development, preserving identity, and strengthening the role of non-Western countries in the international system. They also emphasize the importance of strengthening cooperation between these countries, etc.

                              All these principles form a coherent system of views. It is interesting to note that they largely correspond with the six principles of a new, fair world order that were outlined by Russian President Vladimir Putin during last year's plenary session of the Valdai Discussion Club. Therefore, one can observe a certain synergy between the approaches to the future world order expressed by Russia at the official level and the general guiding principles of BRICS.

                              Naturally, if we do not limit ourselves to the analysis of values and ideology (in the good sense of the word), then an important question arises not only about the declaration of certain principles, but also their actual implementation in practical politics and economics. It is clear that the BRICS countries, both collectively and individually, have been making significant efforts in this regard. The desire of several dozen countries to join BRICS as new members is very significant. However, the transformation of the symbolic alternative that BRICS documents represent into a real political and strategic vision raises the issue of greater cohesion among BRICS members in their practical actions, as well as their increased commitment to implementing these principles.

                              In addition, as everyone understands that future waves of BRICS expansion are unlikely to accommodate everyone who wishes to apply for membership, it may be beneficial to explore the possibility of expanding the "BRICS+" format, which would include not only the member states of BRICS but also other countries from the Global South and Non-Western world. Furthermore, the principle of inclusivity is already incorporated into the BRICS guiding principles system.

                              Finally, management theory teaches us that after formulating certain strategic principles, it is necessary to draw up a kind of roadmap for their implementation. Otherwise, these principles will remain on paper. Accordingly, the development of clear mechanisms for implementing these roadmaps (possibly including controls related to their step-by-step implementation) may also be on the agenda. It is clear that such an approach may raise questions about strengthening internal cohesion within the BRICS. All of this, of course, requires the political will of all member states. Nevertheless, the question of the transition from a symbolic alternative to a real one in the activities of BRICS still remains relevant. This can be seen in both political and expert discussions among member countries. Only time will tell how further developments in BRICS will proceed.
                                            Interview to Xinhua News Agency (Интервью информационному агентству Синьхуа) / Russia, May, 2024
                                            Keywords: media, quotation, vladimir_putin

                                            Question: In March 2023, President Xi Jinping chose Russia as a destination for his first foreign visit after his re-election as President of the People's Republic of China. This year, upon your re-election as President of the Russian Federation, you, in turn, have chosen China for your first foreign visit. We have noted that over the last decade or so, President Xi Jinping and you have met more than 40 times in various bilateral and multilateral settings. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. What is your assessment of your contacts with Chinese President Xi Jinping? What do you expect from your upcoming visit to China? What is your forecast for the further development of the Russia-China relations?

                                            President of Russia Vladimir Putin: I am pleased to be able to address the multimillion audience of Xinhua, one of the world's leading and most trusted news agencies and share my vision of the future Russia-China partnership. I would like to highlight that it has always relied on the principles of equality and trust, mutual respect for the sovereignty and consideration of each other's interests. A special and prominent role in the development of our relations has belonged to wise and shrewd politicians and state leaders, such as Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China.

                                            We first met back in March 2010, and we have been seeing and calling each other regularly ever since. President Xi maintains a respectful, friendly, open and at the same time business-like style of communication. Our every meeting is not just a dialogue between old friends, which is important, too, just like for everyone, – but also a fruitful exchange of views on the most topical issues on the bilateral and international agenda.

                                            I have fond memories of the state visit of President Xi Jinping to Russia in March 2023, immediately after his re‑election as President of the PRC. Just like in 2013, our country was the first one he visited as head of China. We had more than five hours of a face-to-face conversation, and the next day we followed an extensive and substantive official schedule.

                                            This unprecedented level of strategic partnership between our countries determined my choice of China as the first state to be visited after the official inauguration as the President of the Russian Federation.

                                            I have emphasized on many occasions that our peoples are bound by a long and strong tradition of friendship and cooperation. That is one of the most important pillars of bilateral relations. During World War II, Soviet and Chinese soldiers stood up together against Japanese militarism. We remember and value the contribution of the Chinese people to the common Victory. It was China that held back major forces of Japanese militarists, making it possible for the Soviet Union to focus on defeating Nazism in Europe. And, of course, we are grateful to our Chinese friends for their carful attitude to war memorials, to the memory of Soviet citizens who had fought for the liberation of China and supported the revolutionary struggle of the Chinese people, their righteous fight against the invaders. Today, Russia-China relations have reached the highest level ever, and despite the difficult global situation continue to get stronger.

                                            This year is special for our countries. October 1 marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China. The country is approaching this significant historical date with outstanding achievements, which we welcome as old, reliable and time-tested friends.

                                            The USSR was the first to recognize the PRC on the second day of its existence. So in early October, we will also celebrate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.

                                            Over the three quarters of a century, our countries have travelled a long and at times difficult way. We have learnt well the lessons of the history of our relationship at different stages of their development. Today, we know that the synergy of complementary strengths provides a powerful impetus for rapid comprehensive development.

                                            It is important that Russia-China ties as they are today, are free from the influence of either ideology or political trends. Their multidimensional development is an informed strategic choice based on the wide convergence of core national interests, profound mutual trust, strong public support and sincere friendship between the peoples of the two countries. I am talking about our joint efforts to strengthen the sovereignty, protect the territorial integrity and security of our countries. In a broader sense, we are working to contribute to the development and prosperity of Russia and China by enhancing equal, mutually beneficial economic and humanitarian cooperation, and strengthen foreign policy coordination in the interests of building a just multipolar world order. All this is the key to a future success of our comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era.

                                            Question: Today, practical trade and economic cooperation between China and Russia is constantly developing. Last year, the US$200 billion trade turnover target you had set together with Chinese President Xi Jinping was surpassed ahead of schedule. In your opinion, what are the new specific features and growth points of practical trade and economic cooperation between China and Russia? In which areas Chinese-Russian trade and economic cooperation is likely to achieve even greater breakthroughs in future?

                                            V.Putin: Trade and economic relations between our countries are developing at a fast pace, showing strong immunity to external challenges and crises. Over the past five years, we have doubled the Russia-China turnover: it reached US$227.8 billion last year, against US$111 billion in 2019. More than 90% of settlements between our companies are made in national currencies. So it would be more accurate to say that bilateral trade currently totals about 20 trillion rubles, or nearly 1.6 trillion yuan. China has remained our key business partner for 13 years, and in 2023, Russia ranked 4th among the PRC's major trading partners.

                                            Our countries have made an informed choice in favour of equal and mutually beneficial economic ties a long time ago. We are systematically and consistently developing strategic cooperation in the energy sector, working on new large‑scale energy projects. Supplies of Russian agricultural produce to the Chinese market are showing positive dynamics; investment and production initiatives are implemented, and transport and logistics corridors between our countries are smoothly functioning and expanding. Given global turbulence and economic issues in the West, such results prove yet again the strategic wisdom of our sovereign course and pursuit of national interests.

                                            As for our plans, we will try to establish closer cooperation in industry and high-tech, outer space and peaceful atom, artificial intelligence, renewable energy and other innovative sectors. We will keep working to provide favourable legal and organizational conditions for that and develop transport and financial infrastructure. I believe that Russian-Chinese economic ties have great prospects.

                                            Question: The friendship between China and Russia goes on for generations, and the cultures of the two countries are deeply intertwined. This year and next year, in line with the agreements reached between you and President Xi Jinping, the China-Russia Years of Culture will be held. What is the role of cultural exchanges in expanding cooperation and friendship between our countries, as you see it? What is your personal perception of Chinese culture and what is your experience of it?

                                            V.Putin: I have said more than once and will say again: Russia and China have been inextricably linked for centuries, both by an extensive common border and by close cultural and people-to-people ties. In the distant past, only rare tidings of China reached our country with merchants. Later on, the first embassies appeared, and the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission, which made a truly invaluable contribution to the collection and systematization of knowledge about China, was organized in Beijing. The 19th century saw the first students of the Chinese language in Russia, followed by the first university departments as well as the first attempts at compiling dictionaries.

                                            During the reign of Catherine the Great, Chinese art came into fashion. For example, the interiors of the Chinese Room of the Catherine Palace, the Empress's private chambers, were richly decorated with lacquer panels from China. Unfortunately, the interior was completely destroyed during the Great Patriotic War, but restoration is underway involving specialists from China.

                                            Today, Chinese culture and art are also of great interest to the Russian public. There are about 90,000 students and schoolchildren who study Chinese in our country. Tours of Chinese performing companies and exhibitions featuring Chinese artists are always a great success. Since the quarantine restrictions were removed, the tourist flow has been growing dynamically. Last year, more than 730,000 Russians visited the PRC.

                                            I know that people in China are also keen to get acquainted with Russian literature, art and traditions. Our eminent theatre groups and musicians regularly perform in China, museums organize their exhibitions, and Russian films are run in cinemas. We are most willing to introduce our Chinese friends to historical, artistic and cultural heritage of multi-ethnic Russia in all its diversity.

                                            To this end, President of China Xi Jinping and I decided to declare 2024 and 2025 cross years of culture between Russia and China, so as to implement this large‑scale project in conjunction with the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. We expect the programme of activities to be vibrant and abundant. A number of major events have already taken place. For example, in Moscow, for the first time, broad New Year celebrations were held according to the lunar calendar, while in Beijing and Xi'an, Chinese citizens got an opportunity to learn about the tradition of our holiday Maslenitsa at the Farewell to the Russian Winter festival.

                                            Russia, just like China, firmly relies on the principles of multiculturalism, advocates the equality of cultures and the preservation of national identity. These and other important issues were in the focus of the 2023 St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum. A representative Chinese delegation most actively participated in the Forum. The free discussions held at the Forum are particularly important at this time, as they contribute to building a respectful dialogue between civilizations.

                                            We intend to promote new formats of interaction, such as the Intervision International Popular Song Contest. China is the key partner in this project, which aims to spread and popularize national song schools.

                                            As for my personal attitude to Chinese culture, I would like to emphasize that I am always eager to discover China's unique and authentic traditions, especially during my visits to the PRC. I know quite a bit about your martial arts, including Wushu, which is very popular in our country. I also have respect for Chinese philosophy. My family members are also interested in China, and some of them are learning Chinese.

                                            Question: This year, Russia has assumed the BRICS Chairmanship, and the current year is also the first year of "greater BRICS cooperation." Please tell us about Russia's priorities and plan of events as the BRICS Chair. What is to be done to facilitate harmonious integration of new members into the BRICS cooperation mechanism? How do you see the role of the BRICS mechanism in the global arena? What could be done to make "greater BRICS cooperation" even more fruitful?

                                            V.Putin: Russia's BRICS Chairmanship has gained a steady momentum. Full-scale work is underway on all three main pillars of cooperation – politics and security, the economy and finance, culture and people-to-people contacts.

                                            One of the main goals of the Russian Chairmanship is undoubtedly the seamless integration of the BRICS new members. We are actively assisting them in joining the existing network of cooperation mechanisms.

                                            As another priority, we seek to continue coordinated work to enhance the visibility of the association in global affairs and build its capacity to promote a more democratic, sustainable and fair architecture of international relations. I would like to particularly stress that cooperation within BRICS relies on the principles of mutual respect, equality, openness and consensus. That is why countries of the Global South and East, which see BRICS as a platform for their voices to be certainly heard and taken into account, find our association so attractive.

                                            Russian agencies, business and public circles have prepared an extensive agenda for the Chairmanship. This includes a wide range of areas for enhancing interaction, including finance, agriculture, energy, intellectual property, healthcare, education and space exploration. Moreover, such niche and knowledge-intensive topics as nanotechnology, nuclear medicine and biotechnology are being discussed by experts in relevant fields.

                                            We have held quite a few specialized events: in total, the Chairmanship plan envisages more than 200 of them. In addition to expert and ministerial meetings, they include numerous cultural events and youth activities. The BRICS Sports Games will take place in Kazan in June, and in October, the city will host the BRICS Summit.

                                            Question: Multilateral mechanisms such as BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are currently working to bring countries of the Global South together in the spirit of equality, openness, transparency and inclusion, and are contributing to reforming the system of global governance. Chinese President Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized that he is looking forward to working with Russia to strengthen strategic cooperation in multilateral settings and implement the principles of genuine multilateralism. How do you assess cooperation between China and Russia within BRICS, the SCO and other multilateral mechanisms? In your opinion, what is the role of the two countries' interaction in the international arena in promoting the global community of shared future for mankind?

                                            V.Putin: Earth is the cradle of humanity, our common home, and we are all equal as its inhabitants. I am convinced that this view is shared by most people on the planet. However, the countries that affiliate themselves with the so‑called "golden billion" do not seem to think so. US‑led Western elites refuse to respect civilizational and cultural diversity and reject centuries-old traditional values. Seeking to retain their global dominance, they have usurped the right to tell other nations whom they may, or must not, make friends and cooperate with, and to deny them the right to choose their own development models. They disregard other countries' sovereign interests. They seek to ensure their well‑being at the expense of other states, just like in the old days, and resort to neo-colonial methods to that end.

                                            Needless to say, neither Russia nor its partners are happy with this state of affairs. We have actively contributed to launching multilateral associations and mechanisms that are independent of the West and are successfully operating. In their work they build on the principles of equality, justice, transparency, respect and consideration of each other's interests.

                                            The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS, which have well established themselves as key pillars of the emerging multipolar world order, can be cited as vivid examples of such mutually beneficial cooperation. They have come to be reputable and dynamic international platforms whose participants build constructive political, security, economic and humanitarian interaction. Hence the ever increasing interest of other states in the work of these associations and the growing number of their participants.

                                            Our countries have similar or coinciding positions on key issues on the international agenda. We advocate for the primacy of international law, equal, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable security at both the global and regional level with the UN's central coordinating role. We also reject Western attempts to impose an order based on lies and hypocrisy, on some mythical rules of no one knows whose making.

                                            Question: From the outset of the Ukraine crisis, China has engaged in active efforts to find a political solution to it. During his meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on April 16, Chinese President Xi Jinping outlined four principles for the peaceful resolution of the crisis in Ukraine. On February 24, 2023, China published a position paper on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. What is your assessment of China's stance and efforts on this issue?

                                            V.Putin: We commend China's approaches to resolving the crisis in Ukraine. Beijing is well aware of its root causes and global geopolitical significance, which is reflected in its 12‑point plan entitled "China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis" published in February 2023. The ideas and proposals contained in the document show the genuine desire of our Chinese friends to help stabilize the situation.

                                            As for the additional four principles of conflict resolution recently voiced by President Xi Jinping, they seamlessly fit in the above-mentioned plan. Beijing proposes practicable and constructive steps to achieve peace by refraining from pursuing vested interests and constant escalation of tensions, minimizing the negative impact of the conflict on the global economy and the stability of global value chains. The steps build on the idea that we need to forego the "Cold War mentality" and ensure indivisible security and respect for international law and the UN Charter in their entirety and interrelation. They could therefore lay the groundwork for a political and diplomatic process that would take into account Russia's security concerns and contribute to achieving a long-term and sustainable peace.

                                            Unfortunately, neither Ukraine nor its Western patrons support these initiatives. They are not ready to engage in an equal, honest and open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other's interests. They are reluctant to discuss the underlying causes, the very origins of the global crisis, which has manifested itself, inter alia, in the dramatic situation around Ukraine. Why? Because today's global shocks have been provoked precisely by their policies in the previous years and decades.

                                            Instead, Western elites are stubbornly working to "punish" Russia, isolate and weaken it, supplying the Kiev authorities with money and arms. They have imposed almost 16,000 unilateral illegitimate sanctions against our country. They are threatening to dismember our country. They are illegally trying to appropriate our foreign assets. They are turning a blind eye to the resurgence of Nazism and to Ukraine-sponsored terrorist attacks in our territory.

                                            We are seeking a comprehensive, sustainable and just settlement of this conflict through peaceful means. We are open to a dialogue on Ukraine, but such negotiations must take into account the interests of all countries involved in the conflict, including Russia's. They must also involve a substantive discussion on global stability and security guarantees for Russia's opponents and, naturally, for Russia itself. Needless to say, these must be reliable guarantees. That is where the main problem is, since we are dealing with states whose ruling circles seek to substitute the world order based on international law with an "order based on certain rules," which they keep talking about but which no one has ever seen, no one has agreed to, and which, apparently, tend to change depending on the current political situation and interests of those who invent these rules.

                                            Russia stands ready for negotiations; moreover, we had engaged in such negotiations. On April 15, 2022, in Istanbul, together with the Ukrainian delegation, we drafted a peace agreement, taking into account the demands of the Ukrainian side, including those on future security guarantees for Ukraine. Moreover, the head of the Ukrainian delegation initialled the main provisions of the draft document. Our Western partners tried to convince us that in order to finalize and sign the agreement, it was necessary to provide conditions. The main point was that Russian troops be withdrawn away from Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. And so we did. But instead of signing the peace agreement, the Ukrainian side suddenly announced the cessation of negotiations. Later on, Ukrainian officials stated that they had done so, inter alia, because their Western allies had recommended that they continue hostilities and apply joint efforts to achieve Russia's strategic defeat. We have never refused to negotiate.

                                            Question: In your Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on February 29, 2024, you elaborated on Russia's development goals for the next six years and relevant measures. On March 20, at a meeting with your election team, you called for building a new Russia, in order to make your country even stronger, more attractive and effective. What are your plans in state-building for this new term of office? How do you expect to achieve your goals?

                                            V.Putin: The Address sets objective and essential goals pertaining to the development of all regions of the country, the economy, and the social sphere; they include addressing demographic problems, increasing the birth rate, providing support to families with children, fighting poverty and inequality. We recognize the scale of these challenges and can provide solutions. To do this we will rely on the consolidated will of our people, the necessary resources and capabilities, and the rich experience of interaction between the state, businesses and the civil society.

                                            In addition, over the past few years, tremendous work has been done to establish an effective economic management system. The government and relevant agencies use big data sets, advanced digital platforms and computer networks spanning all sectors of the national economy throughout the country. We will continue with this work and seek to improve the efficiency of long-term planning and the implementation of programmes and national projects.

                                            Today, Russia is one of the world's top five countries in terms of purchasing power parity. Now we are aiming for the top "four" largest economies on the planet. We prioritize such tasks as ensuring quality and the effective development across all spheres, as well as increasing our citizens' well‑being.

                                            It is impossible to achieve quality economic changes without a sustained salary growth. To achieve this, we plan to increase labour productivity through the across-the-board adoption of scientific advances, new technologies and innovations, automation and robotization, and the creation of modern jobs. At the same time, we will engage in training competent, forward-thinking professionals who will implement greenfield projects and work in industry and the social sphere.

                                            Our priorities certainly include training fresh talent for public and municipal government. We have a whole range of relevant programmes, competitions and projects in place. We have also provided ample opportunities at the federal and regional levels to help talented people who love their homeland unlock their potential. These are people who are ready to assume responsibility, serve Russia honestly and faithfully, and, most importantly, who have proved it in deed, both in doing their work and going through the toughest hardships when defending our Fatherland and our people.

                                            I am confident that we will implement all the strategic plans we have set. We are willing to work together with our partners worldwide, including China, our good neighbour and trusted friend.
                                                          BRICS has entered new era of "greater BRICS cooperation," says Putin (БРИКС вступило в новую эру «большого сотрудничества БРИКС», заявил Путин) / China, May, 2024
                                                          Keywords: quotation, top_level_meeting, vladimir_putin

                                                          MOSCOW, May 15 (Xinhua) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin highly values the collaboration between Russia and China on the international stage.

                                                          On the eve of his two-day state visit to China, which starts on Thursday, Putin stated in a written interview with Xinhua that the two countries hold similar or identical positions on key issues in the international agenda. Both advocate for the primacy role of international law, and support equal, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable security at both the global and regional level with the UN's central coordinating role, he said, adding Russia and China also reject Western attempts to impose an order based on lies and hypocrisy, on some mythical rules of no one knows whose making.

                                                          Currently, multilateral mechanisms such as the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) are uniting countries of the "Global South" in a spirit of equality, openness, transparency and inclusiveness, pushing for reforms in the global governance system.

                                                          Putin noted that with active participation from Russia and China, multilateral organizations and mechanisms that are independent of the West are successfully operating, saying that in their work they build on the principles of equality, justice, transparency, respect and consideration of each other's interests.

                                                          "The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS, which have well established themselves as key pillars of the emerging multipolar world order, can be cited as vivid examples of such mutually beneficial cooperation. They have come to be reputable and dynamic international platforms whose participants build constructive political, security, economic and cultural and people-to-people interaction. Hence the ever increasing interest of other states in the work of these associations and the growing number of their participants," Putin said.

                                                          With the expansion as a new starting point, the BRICS cooperation mechanism has entered a new era of "greater BRICS cooperation." Russia is the rotating chair of the BRICS this year.

                                                          Putin stated that Russia's BRICS Chairmanship has gained a steady momentum, saying that full-scale work is underway on all three main pillars of cooperation -- politics and security, the economy and finance, and people-to-people exchanges, with more than 200 events planned during its chairmanship.

                                                          "One of the main goals of the Russian Chairmanship is undoubtedly the seamless integration of the BRICS new members. We are actively assisting them in joining the existing network of cooperation mechanisms," he said.

                                                          Another priority is to seek to continue coordinated work to enhance the visibility of BRICS in global affairs and build its capacity to promote a more democratic, stable and fair architecture of international relations, he added.

                                                          "Cooperation within BRICS relies on the principles of mutual respect, equality, openness and consensus. That is why countries of the Global South and East, which see BRICS as a platform for their voices to be certainly heard and taken into account, find our association so attractive," Putin said.
                                                                        Media statement following Russia-China talks (Заявление для СМИ по итогам российско-китайских переговоров) / Russia, May, 2024
                                                                        Keywords: vladimir_putin, xi_jinping, top_level_meeting

                                                                        President of China Xi Jinping (retranslated): President Putin,

                                                                        Members of the media, good afternoon.

                                                                        I am very pleased to join you together with President Putin. He chose China for his first foreign state visit after starting his new presidential term, which offers convincing proof of the attention Mr Putin and Russia attach to their relations with China. I cannot but welcome this attitude and would like to extend my heartfelt greetings to President Putin.

                                                                        Mr Putin and I have just held frank, friendly and meaningful talks to review our achievements in promoting bilateral ties over the past 75 years, since our two countries established diplomatic relations. We also had a detailed exchange of opinions on the bilateral agenda and timely international and regional matters of mutual interest. Furthermore, we outlined our objectives and plans for further expanding China-Russia relations and our multifaceted cooperation.

                                                                        See also

                                                                        Russian-Chinese talks May 16, 2024
                                                                        We signed joint statements on enhancing the comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation for a new era in the context of the 75th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations.

                                                                        Several milestone intergovernmental and interagency documents were signed in our presence, giving a new powerful impetus to the steady advancement of China-Russia relations.

                                                                        This year, we will be marking the 75th anniversary China-Russia diplomatic relations. We have overcome many challenges and forged even stronger ties over the past three quarters of a century. I must note that we have been continually enhancing out bilateral relations ever since they entered a new era, giving new substance to our cooperation. The idea of friendship has become deeply ingrained in our mindsets.

                                                                        China and Russia have served as a role model by showing others ways of building state-to-state ties of a new kind and working together as two major neighbouring powers. Our commitment to the following five principles has made all of this possible.

                                                                        The first principle involves demonstrating mutual respect and firm commitment to supporting each other on matters dealing with the core interests of both sides.

                                                                        President Putin and I share the view that we have been able to develop a new model enabling neighbouring major powers to develop their relations based on the principles of respect and equality. We also demonstrate mutual and resolute support on matters dealing with the core interests of both parties and address each other's current concerns. This is the main pillar of the Russia-China comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation for a new era. Our two countries are committed to acting in the spirit of non-alignment with any blocs, rejecting confrontation and refraining from targeting any third countries while demonstrating our steadfast commitment to confidence building measures on political matters, respecting the development trajectories we choose for ourselves and firmly supporting each other as we strive for shared prosperity and revival.

                                                                        See also

                                                                        All news about the state visit to China May 16 − 17, 2024
                                                                        The second principle consists of promoting a win-win approach to shaping a new architecture of mutually beneficial cooperation.

                                                                        Last year, trade between our countries increased by a factor of almost 2.7 compared to what we had ten years ago and exceeded $240 billion. This reflects our continuous effort to deepen comprehensive mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries. President Putin and I agreed that we must find common ground regarding the interests our countries pursue and exploit the advantages we have when working together on our shared interests and initiatives.

                                                                        It is essential that we carry on with our efforts to streamline our cooperation and inject even more positive momentum in trade and other traditional domains of our cooperation. We must support networks promoting fundamental research, unleash our cooperation potential in high-technology sectors, step up our cooperation on border crossings, transport and logistics, and ensure the stable operation of global manufacturing and supply chains.

                                                                        The third principle deals with maintaining our centuries-old friendly ties and passing on this friendship from one generation to another. China and Russia both pride themselves on their ancient history and outstanding cultures. People from average Chinese families read Pushkin's and Tolstoi's books, while traditional Chinese culture, including the Beijing opera and Tai chi, has been very popular among Russians.

                                                                        Our countries have been steadily expanding their cultural and humanitarian ties lately as part of the China-Russia roadmap for humanitarian cooperation until 2030. President Putin and I decided to hold the Years of Chinese and Russian culture in 2024 and 2025 by organising a series of lively and spectacular cultural events for the general public in order to promote closer ties between our civil societies, as well as region-to-region ties as a way to bring our two nations closer together.

                                                                        The fourth point is that we must act in the spirit of strategic cooperation to set various visions of global governance on the right track. China and Russia have been firmly advocating a UN-centred system of international relations and an international order based on international law. We have been coordinating our positions within multilateral platforms such as the United Nations, APEC and the G20 to promote the emergence of a multipolar world and economic globalisation based on genuine multilateralism.

                                                                        We express our firm commitment to working together in the context of Russia's BRICS chairmanship this year and when China assumes the SCO presidency in the second half of the year by forging a comprehensive, closely-knit, result-driven and inclusive high-level partnership for uniting the Global South and making it stronger.

                                                                        The fifth principle deals with promoting a political settlement for hotspots in the interest of truth and justice. Today's world is still plagued by Cold War mentality. Aspirations to securing a unilateral hegemony, bloc-based confrontation and power politics pose a direct threat to peace and security for all countries around the world.

                                                                        President Putin and I discussed the need to achieve an immediate settlement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to resolve the Palestinian issue based on the two-state solution and in keeping with the UN resolution.

                                                                        China and Russia believe that the Ukraine crisis must be resolved by political means. China has been consistent and clear on this matter by advocating for compliance with the norms and principles set forth in the UN Charter, respecting state sovereignty and territorial integrity for all countries, while taking into consideration their reasonable security concerns. This approach aims to shape a new balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture.

                                                                        China hopes that peace and stability will return to the European continent soon and is ready to constructively contribute to making this happen. As we say in China, tree bark forms by the accumulation of soil, while an accumulation of water creates oceans. It is thanks to their efforts over the past 75 years that China and Russia have been building upon their centuries-old friendship and comprehensive cooperation to generate powerful momentum, which enabled them to overcome all challenges and reach new heights.

                                                                        Having reached a new threshold in the history of their relations, China and Russia will uphold their commitment to the primary goal of working for the benefit of the two nations and effectively contributing to promoting lasting peace and development across the planet with a sense of responsibility. Thank you.

                                                                        Thank you for your attention.

                                                                        President of Russia Vladimir Putin: President Xi Jinping,

                                                                        Friends, comrades,

                                                                        Ladies and gentlemen,

                                                                        First, I would like to express gratitude to the President of the People's Republic of China and to all our Chinese colleagues for a warm welcome. As we walked to this hall, we exchanged views with President Xi. It is true that our Chinese friends have created both a friendly and warm environment and a pragmatic, business-like and constructive atmosphere that is good for working.

                                                                        The talks we have just finished highlighted the great significance that Moscow and Beijing attach to the development and strengthening of comprehensive Russia-China partnership and strategic interaction. This partnership can certainly set an example of ties between neighbouring states.

                                                                        The high standards and the special nature of Russia-China relations were reaffirmed when President Xi, as you remember and as he has mentioned just now, paid a state visit to Russia soon after his re-election as President of the People's Republic of China in March 2023. It is logical that China is the first foreign country I have visited since assuming office as President of Russia.

                                                                        There is certainly a degree of symbolism in this, but there is also more to it. These events have a practical content and are very useful, helping us to synchronise watches and move forward along the path we choose jointly with the President of the People's Republic of China.

                                                                        We maintain regular contact. Apart from holding regular bilateral summits, we also meet on the sidelines of multilateral events and have telephone conversations, so that we can discuss any, even the most difficult issues and personally oversee all the essential issues of the bilateral and international agenda.

                                                                        I would like to emphasise that this state visit takes place in the year of the 75th anniversary of our diplomatic relations. Our country was the first to recognise the People's Republic of China on October 2, 1949, the day after its declaration. We also provided substantial assistance to it at the initial stage of the development of its political system, state institutions and the economy. Our cooperation grew stronger and developed for decades after that. We have accumulated positive experience of a multifaceted and mutually beneficial partnership. Our shared baggage includes major achievements in widely different fields.

                                                                        Today, President Xi Jinping and I discussed the current state and outlook for bilateral cooperation in a warm, friendly and constructive atmosphere. We noted with satisfaction the intensity of our dialogue on political and security matters, the growing pace of our economic exchanges, the expansion of our cultural contacts and our effective coordination on the international stage.

                                                                        I want to note the significance of the Joint Statement we have adopted, which sets new objectives and long-term directives for advancing the entire spectrum of Russian-Chinese relations. The realisation of these goals will undoubtedly facilitate the implementation of an extensive array of intergovernmental, interdepartmental, and commercial agreements drafted for this visit.

                                                                        Certainly, trade and investment interaction was a focal point during our talks, considering China's prominent position as Russia's leading foreign trade partner. Additionally, our country secured the fourth place in the export-import balance of the People's Republic of China based on last year's results.

                                                                        In 2023, bilateral trade surged by a quarter, reaching a new milestone of $240 billion, as reported by Chinese statistics. While there may be a slight variance in figures, the overall total is entirely accurate.

                                                                        I would particularly like to highlight the growth of Russian food exports to the Chinese market, which surged by more than 50 percent to $7.6 billion. Overall, bilateral trade in agricultural products grew by 40 percent, totalling $9.7 billion. There are strong indications that this trade segment will continue to expand further.

                                                                        Investment cooperation is advancing dynamically, with the total volume of mutual investments on the rise. Currently, there are over 80 priority projects valued at approximately $200 billion in progress or in preparation for implementation through the respective intergovernmental commission.

                                                                        The enhancement of trade and investment ties was greatly aided by the coordinated measures implemented to shift payments between our countries into national currencies. Currently, the ruble and yuan comprise over 90 percent of Russian-Chinese commercial transactions, with this proportion steadily increasing. This trend signifies that our mutual trade and investment are securely protected from the influence of third countries and adverse developments on global currency markets.

                                                                        In light of this, we have agreed to further improve communication between credit and banking institutions of Russia and China, while actively employing national payment systems to support our economic operators.

                                                                        Naturally, during the talks, extensive discussions were held on cooperation in the rapidly evolving energy sector. This domain remains one of our key priorities, and we have concrete plans to enhance cooperation in energy-related projects.

                                                                        Energy cooperation between Russia and China extends beyond hydrocarbons to encompass the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Rosatom is building power units of Russian design at the Tianwan NPP and the Xudapu NPP in the People's Republic of China. The commissioning of these units is poised to make a substantial contribution to China's energy supply, providing affordable and clean energy to Chinese industries and households alike.

                                                                        Furthermore, with Russia's involvement, an experimental fast-neutron facility has been built in China, and work is underway on the construction of a new demonstration fast reactor.

                                                                        With support from Chinese partners, the construction of the NICA accelerator complex is underway in Dubna, near Moscow, based on the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Experiments conducted at this collider will pave the way for groundbreaking mega-science projects that surpass the capabilities of any single country in the world.

                                                                        Regarding bilateral industrial cooperation, we are pleased to witness the proactive expansion of Chinese automakers and household appliance manufacturers in the Russian market. As discussed during our talks, and as the President said, we acknowledge the detrimental effect of any unlawful actions, sanctions, or restrictions. We wholeheartedly embrace collaboration with our Chinese counterparts in the automobile manufacturing sector, where they have demonstrated clear and undeniable successes and competitive advantages through fair competition. We look forward to further developing this cooperation.

                                                                        Major joint projects are underway in non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and pulp industries, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, space exploration, and various other high-tech sectors. Russia and China are jointly developing international transport and logistics corridors, harnessing the potential of the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur railways, as well as the Northern Sea Route. Year by year, the volume of incoming cargo and passenger traffic is on the rise. To improve their efficiency, we are collaboratively enhancing the capacity of border crossings and expanding border infrastructure.

                                                                        Russia and China are vigorously developing cultural and humanitarian cooperation. As previously mentioned, 2024 and2025 have been designated as cross years of culture in our countries. The official commencement will take place this evening. The programme for the cross years is comprehensive, encompassing a wide array of cultural events to be held in 38 cities across Russia and 51 cities in China. These events include festivals, fairs, theatre tours, ice shows, museum exhibitions, film screenings, and much more.

                                                                        I want to highlight that in February, the Chinese New Year was officially celebrated in Moscow for the first time, with the support of the city mayor's office. It's worth noting that these vibrant festivities were conducted on a grand scale and were enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people.

                                                                        Educational cooperation between our countries is also improving. Thousands and tens of thousands of Russian and Chinese citizens are pursuing education in China and Russia, respectively.

                                                                        Tomorrow, we are scheduled to visit Harbin Institute of Technology, a prominent Chinese institution that has been engaged in successful collaboration with Bauman Moscow State Technical University since 2019. Additionally, in the near future, a Russian-Chinese training centre in natural sciences will open in Harbin, as part of a partnership between Harbin Institute of Technology and St Petersburg State University.

                                                                        Mutual tourism is growing, largely thanks to both countries' visa free regime for tourists. For example, 734,000 Russians visited China and 477,000 Chinese tourists visited Russia in 2023.

                                                                        Our sports cooperation is on the rise. Chinese athletes demonstrated good achievements at the first international Games of the Future tournament held in Kazan in February and March 2024. The games, which are a new format of sports movement proposed by Russia, combine dynamic classical sports with cybersport.

                                                                        Frankly, I can tell the audience that I never thought these games would grow to such proportions and would cause such big interest among young people. As you know, it was an interesting event, which hundreds of millions of people, by and large, watched in cyberspace. We hope that China will become an active partner and will host one of the forthcoming events of the Games of the Future.

                                                                        We also look forward to seeing Chinese athletes at large sports events Russia will host in 2024, such as the BRICS Games, the Summer Children of Asia Games and the World Friendship Games.

                                                                        Our talks have reaffirmed that Russia and China have similar or identical views on many international and regional issues.

                                                                        Both countries have an independent and sovereign foreign policy. We are working together to create a fairer and more democratic multipolar world order based on the central role of the UN and its Security Council, international law, cultural and civilizational diversity, as well as a calibrated balance of interests of all members of the international community.

                                                                        Acting from these positions, Russia and China are fruitfully working together in BRICS, where Russia is holding chairmanship this year, and in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the chairmanship of which China will take over in July. Of course, our countries are resolved to continue working to align integration processes underway within the framework of the EAEU with China's Belt and Road Initiative, with a view to ultimately creating a Greater Eurasian Partnership.

                                                                        This is why our countries call for renovating global economic governance, for reforming and depoliticising multilateral institutes, such as the World Trade Organisation, G20 and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, and for adjusting them to modern realities.

                                                                        We believe that it is necessary to create a reliable and appropriate security architecture in the Asia-Pacific Region, which has no place for closed military-political alliances. We believe that the creation of such alliances is extremely harmful and counterproductive.

                                                                        We have agreed with President Xi Jinping to hold a detailed discussion of the entire range of foreign policy issues at an information meeting this evening. For my part, I will certainly update the President of the People's Republic of China on the situation with the Ukraine crisis. We are grateful to our Chinese friends and colleagues for their initiatives on the settlement of that problem.

                                                                        Ladies and gentlemen,

                                                                        The agenda of this state visit is very intense. Today, I will attend several more events jointly with President Xi Jinping and hold a meeting with Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Li Qiang. Tomorrow, the Russian delegation will visit Harbin to attend the opening ceremony of the 8th Russia-China Expo and the 4th Russian-Chinese Forum on Interregional Cooperation. In addition, we will meet with the students and faculty of the Harbin Institute of Technology.


                                                                        I would like to express my sincere gratitude to President Xi Jinping and all our Chinese colleagues for their hospitality. I believe that this visit and talks will help strengthen Russian-Chinese friendship and will boost the well-being and prosperity of our nations.

                                                                        Thank you.
                                                                                      Stable devt of China-Russia ties beneficial to world peace, prosperity: Global Times editorial (Стабильное развитие китайско-российских связей полезно для мира и процветания во всем мире: редакционная статья Global Times) / China, May, 2024
                                                                                      Keywords: expert_opinion, cooperation

                                                                                      On May 16, Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is in China on a state visit, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The two heads of state jointly met the press, signed and issued the Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination for the New Era in the Context of the 75th Anniversary of China-Russia Diplomatic Relations (hereinafter referred to as the "Statement"). Under the strategic guidance of the two leaders, China and Russia have consistently developed their bilateral relations based on the principles of non-alignment, non-confrontation, and not targeting any third party, setting an example of peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation between major powers. This not only aligns with the fundamental interests of both countries and their peoples but also contributes to regional and global peace, stability, and prosperity.

                                                                                      This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. Summarizing the notable progress in China-Russia relations over the past 75 years, President Xi said that it is attributable to the two countries' commitment to five principles. First, China and Russia are committed to mutual respect as the fundamental principle of relations, and always render support for each other's core interests. Second, China and Russia are committed to win-win cooperation as the driving force of relations, and work to foster a new paradigm of mutual benefit. Third, China and Russia are committed to lasting friendship as the foundation of relations, and carry forward the torch of Sino-Russian friendship. Fourth, China and Russia are committed to strategic coordination as an underpinning of relations, and steer global governance in the right direction. Fifth, China and Russia are committed to fairness and justice as the purpose of relations, and dedicated to the political settlement of hotspots. These "five principles" set an exemplary model for relations between neighboring major powers and will continue to guide China-Russia relations toward new successes.

                                                                                      The relationship between China and Russia, two major powers, is unique in the history of modern international relations. The two countries are not military-political allies, but rather represent a new model of major power relations characterized by non-alignment, non-confrontation, and not targeting any third country. The development of their relationship has its own internal logic and driving force. It is not a threat to any country, nor is it subject to any interference or discord sown by any third party. This is a summary of the extraordinary 75-year development history of China-Russia relations. Both countries respect each other's national sovereignty, security, and development interests, as well as their own chosen development path, which is the "secret" to why their relationship has become a model for the development of partnerships between major powers and neighboring countries. As President Xi said, this is not only the correct way for China and Russia to get along, but also the direction that major-country relations should strive for in the 21st century.

                                                                                      The close cooperation between China and Russia is a driving force for stability in the international landscape. This year, Russia assumes the rotating presidency of the BRICS countries, and China will also take over the rotating presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization within the year. The two countries work together to promote regional stability and development, strengthen the alignment between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union, and jointly promote cooperation among the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the BRICS mechanism, and countries in the Global South. Both countries uphold multilateralism, oppose hegemony and unilateralism in international organizations such as the United Nations and the G20, effectively promoting the democratization and multipolarization of the global order, as well as firmly upholding international fairness and justice.

                                                                                      Currently, some countries are using "national security" as a pretext to promote deglobalization and group politics, kidnapping allies to push for "decoupling" and build "small yard, high fence." This has increased the complexity and uncertainty of regional and global security situations. As permanent members of the UN Security Council, China and Russia share similar security views and maintain effective strategic communication. They jointly oppose zero-sum games and Cold War mentality, group politics, confrontational blocs, dividing the world based on ideology and political systems, and confrontational policies and interference in other countries' internal affairs. This is a positive asset for the world. In the Statement, China and Russia propose that, given the current geopolitical context, it is necessary to explore the establishment of a sustainable security system in the Eurasian space based on the principles of equal and indivisible security, outlining a blueprint for achieving genuine regional common security.

                                                                                      In recent years, with Russia's focus on "turning to the East" in foreign economic cooperation, China-Russia economic and trade cooperation has developed rapidly. China has been Russia's largest trading partner for 13 consecutive years, accounting for 32 percent of Russia's foreign trade. Russia became China's fourth largest trading partner in 2023. These achievements are not easy and have been achieved by both countries overcoming various external challenges and unfavorable factors, highlighting the solid foundation of the China-Russia relationship. This year also marks the "China-Russia Years of Culture." The two countries and their people have a strong driving force to enhance mutual understanding and continue lasting friendship through deepening cultural exchanges.

                                                                                      A mountain is formed by accumulation of soil and an ocean is formed by accumulation of water. After 75 years of solid accumulation, lasting friendship and all-round cooperation between China and Russia provide a strong impetus for the two countries to forge ahead despite wind and rain. In the future, guided by head-of-state diplomacy, the two countries, standing at a new historical starting point, will jointly promote the all-round development of the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era, create more benefits for their peoples and make a due contribution to global security and stability.
                                                                                                    Complete disregard of the BRICS countries for Western provocation in Switzerland (Полное игнорирование странами БРИКС провокации Запада в Швейцарии) / Russia, May, 2024
                                                                                                    Keywords: brics+, political_issues

                                                                                                    Countries of BRICS and the Global South refuse to participate in the Swiss conference on Ukraine.

                                                                                                    Chinese leader Xi Jinping, during informal negotiations with Vladimir Putin, said that the PRC delegation will not go to the Swiss conference on the "Zelensky formula".

                                                                                                    South African President Ramaphosa also announced that he would not go to the conference on Ukraine in Switzerland.

                                                                                                    Brazilian President Lula da Silva will not participate in the 'Zelensky Peace Formula' summit, which will be held in Switzerland.

                                                                                                    Thus, only Western countries gather in Switzerland with a dozen of their "partners" and Zelensky who is out of power since May, 21th.

                                                                                                    Meanwhile, according to information from radio 'Europe 1', Western countries are preparing coordinated diplomatic action to convince Zelensky accept the negotiations with Russia.

                                                                                                    Volodymyr Zelensky's five-year term ends on May, 20th. But he has no plans to step down or call an election, writes 'The Economist'.

                                                                                                    Five years ago, on May 20th, 2019, a fresh-faced Volodymyr Zelensky began his presidency with the offer of a contract to his people. "Each of us is the president," he said from the rostrum of parliament. "This is our joint victory and chance… and joint responsibility." The intervening years have not been kind, to him or Ukrainians in general. First came the crisis of Donald Trump and "Ukrainegate", then covid-19, and then Russia's terrifying full-scale invasion. By surviving this far, Mr Zelensky has already written himself into history. But as problems worsen on the front lines, the Ukrainian president may be about to face his biggest political challenge yet: renewing his contract with his people with no obvious possibility of elections.

                                                                                                    The mood in Kyiv is increasingly angsty, with Mr Zelensky's opponents muttering that his monopoly on power is no longer tenable. Some are already playing the May 21st card, arguing that he loses political authority as soon as his scheduled five years are up. The Kremlin, unsurprisingly, agrees with them. "Zelensky's fate is predetermined… many will question his legitimacy," said a spokesman in April.

                                                                                                    Publicly, Mr Zelensky's allies are bullish about May 21st: nothing changes, and anything to the contrary is a Russian distraction. Privately, there are concerns about the effect the constant discussion may be having on public opinion. Internal polling disclosed to The Economist shows that already as many as one in six Ukrainians believe Mr Zelensky's status will somehow change come May 21st. Those numbers are still not enough to dominate public discourse and they have no bearing on the legal issue, but they do create an unwelcome backdrop, and might in time weaken international support.

                                                                                                    Mr Bezsmertny says the presidential office should have put the issue to bed by applying for a ruling from the country's constitutional court. In 2023, a group of deputies from Mr Zelensky's Servants of the People bloc pressed the office to do just this. But a decision was taken not to refer, and is unlikely to be revisited.

                                                                                                    Thus Mr Zelensky finds himself in limbo for the foreseeable future, with no obvious moves to refresh his mandate. On the plus side, there is no internal demand for elections during war: the most recent polls show a mere 22% in favour. But equally, Ukraine's love affair with the former comic actor appears to be coming to an end. Ukrainians credit him for his brave part in national survival. But fatigue, a steady drip of corruption headlines, and the obvious concentration of power in the hands of half a dozen functionaries have weakened the bonds.

                                                                                                    The president himself cuts an increasingly tired, angry and closed figure. Polling by the Razumkov Centre shows trust in the presidency has fallen from a net positive of 71% in 2023 to a net positive 26%.

                                                                                                    Ukraine's army meanwhile faces one of its toughest periods of the war, with Russia opening new lines of attack in the Kharkiv region at a moment when Ukrainian manpower and ammunition are at their weakest. Russia has already made alarmingly swift progress since the start of its offensive on May 10th, with guided aerial bombs and mobile storm troops making easy work of a flimsy first line of fortification. Ukraine has so far lost at least nine small settlements, forcing a switch in command and the early deployment of reserves.

                                                                                                    An intelligence source said he expected there to be more bad news if and when Russia opens another line of attack in Sumy province farther north. Mr Zelensky's legitimacy problems would almost certainly intensify if things go badly, regardless of the formal legal position.

                                                                                                    …At the US Department of State press briefing on May 16, 2024, Vedant Patel, Principal Deputy spokesperson, said: "Obviously the situation is incredibly dire."
                                                                                                                  Investment and Finance
                                                                                                                  Investment and finance in BRICS
                                                                                                                  Renowned investor predicts US dollar collapse amid BRICS Crypto rumors (Известный инвестор прогнозирует обвал доллара США на фоне слухов о криптовалютах БРИКС) / Russia, May, 2024
                                                                                                                  Keywords: economic_challenges, expert_opinion

                                                                                                                  Amid warnings of a major impending financial crash, renowned investor and author of the bestseller personal finance book 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' Robert Kiyosaki (photo) has shared his views on why the United States dollar, among others, may suffer, as a new currency threatens its global domination.

                                                                                                                  "Currently in South Africa a country I love. Watching and listening to rumors of what will happen when BRICS nations, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa produce BRICS crypto, possibly backed by gold. If BRICS gold crypto happens trillions in fake money, fiat US dollars…" — Robert Kiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki). May 12, 2024.

                                                                                                                  To clarify what the context was, this is Kiyosaki in South Africa, "watching and listening to rumors of what will happen when BRICS nations — Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa — produce BRICS Crypto — possibly backed by gold," he shared with his followers in a post published May 12.

                                                                                                                  According to the renowned finance educator, in the event that this happens, it means that it is a possibility of losing value to the US dollar and hyperinflation in the US. He was advising to buy other kinds of assets to protect themselves from the crash; these are gold, silver, and bitcoin (BTC):

                                                                                                                  "If BRICS Gold Crypto happens, Gold and Silver should be SCREAMING BUYS cause trillions of fake money, fiat US dollars will come rushing home to America taking down real estate and stock markets. Gold and silver retain value. Best buy real gold and silver today. As well, best buy Bitcoin, the new 21st Century Gold."

                                                                                                                  For the records, Kiyosaki has been stepping up doomsday warnings of late, insistent that the crash has already started, since it literally means the end of the American dollar, and the situation is in fact only getting worse, "because our debt keeps going up," with the demise of the dollar being the primary reason to accumulate the above assets.

                                                                                                                  More recently, he claimed that most people were living in "Disneyland" instead of preparing for the crisis using a strategy he believes is the best — starting their own business, using debt as money to buy cash-flowing assets such as rental properties and saving gold, silver, and the maiden cryptocurrency.

                                                                                                                                Former Brazilian President Dilma announces that BRICS Development Bank will allocate US$ 1.115 bi to Rio Grande do Sul (Бывший президент Бразилии Дилма объявляет, что Банк развития БРИКС выделит 1,115 миллиарда долларов США Риу-Гранди-ду-Сул) / Brazil, May, 2024
                                                                                                                                Keywords: economic_challenges, ndb

                                                                                                                                Dilma Rousseff, current president of the BRICS Bank, announced on Tuesday (14) that the bank - called the New Development Bank (NDB) - will allocate US$ 1.115 billion to the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. The aim is to rebuild the urban and rural infrastructure in the municipalities hit by the heavy flooding since the end of April and to help get Rio Grande do Sul's life back on track.

                                                                                                                                Rousseff spoke with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party) and the governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite (Brazilian Social Democracy Party), to agree on the transfer of funds, which will be used for urban infrastructure, basic sanitation, environmental protection and disaster prevention.

                                                                                                                                "I want to reiterate my solidarity with the people of Rio Grande do Sul and the federal and state governments. The BRICS Bank is committed and will work to rebuild and restore the state's infrastructure. We want to help people rebuild their lives," said the economist and former Brazilian President (2011-2016) in a video posted on social media platforms.

                                                                                                                                From Shanghai, China, where the BRICS Bank is headquartered, she announced that the multilateral financial institution will allocate resources without bureaucracy to Rio Grande do Sul through direct action and also through partnerships with other Brazilian financial institutions, such as the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES, in Portuguese), the Bank of Brazil and the Regional Development Bank of the Far South (BRDE, in Portuguese).

                                                                                                                                "I'm sure that through the strength of the people of Rio Grande do Sul, the solidarity of the Brazilian people and the international community, this crisis will be overcome. And we must take all measures to ensure it never happens again. Stand firm, keep hope and solidarity. We stand together."

                                                                                                                                Rousseff explained that the funds will be transferred quickly and can be allocated according to the urgency and priorities of Rio Grande do Sul.

                                                                                                                                Around US$ 500 million from the BRICS Bank will be transferred through BNDES, of which US$ 250 million will go to small and medium-sized businesses and another US$ 250 million to environmental protection, infrastructure, water and sewage treatment and disaster prevention projects. The NDB has US$ 200 million available for direct application, which can include infrastructure works, urban roads, bridges and highways.

                                                                                                                                In partnership with the Bank of Brazil, the NDB will allocate US$ 100 million to agricultural infrastructure, storage and projects aimed at logistics infrastructure. With the Regional Development Bank of the Far South (BRDE, in Portuguese), US$ 20 million will be released immediately for urban development, mobility projects and water resources.

                                                                                                                                Another US$ 295 million in the BRDE contract – in the process of final approval – will be used for urban and rural development, basic sanitation and social infrastructure.

                                                                                                                                Founded in 2015 by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the BRICS Bank also includes Egypt, Bangladesh and the United Arab Emirates.
                                                                                                                                              Dedollarization: BRICS is getting ready to give the dollar a run for its money (Дедолларизация: БРИКС готовится дать доллару возможность побороться за свои деньги) / Lebanon, May, 2024
                                                                                                                                              Keywords: economic_challenges, trade_relations, expert_opinion

                                                                                                                                              The upcoming BRICS meeting in Russia will give top priority to the dedollarization agenda and take steps to further decrease the dependence on the US currency in cross-border trade between the nations. BRICS is currently exploring strategies to undermine the use of the dollar in worldwide corporate transactions.

                                                                                                                                              In a recent interview, Sergey Ryabkov, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia, revealed that the dedollarization agenda would take center stage at the BRICS summit in 2024. The alliance will become stronger after the summit, ushering developing nations into a "whole new ball game," he said, adding that it will mark the summit's "big moment."

                                                                                                                                              "The notion of a multi-polar world holds the key to dedollarization, where BRICS countries will break free from their dependence on the US dollar," he said. Ryabkov was hopeful that the BRICS would push the boat out and keep making strides "toward a better world."

                                                                                                                                              "After completing a third of our presidency, the BRICS quickly established themselves as a formidable force in the global arena and a crucial participant in the constantly changing global landscape," he stated.

                                                                                                                                              BRICS Summitt-2024

                                                                                                                                              The BRICS 2024 summit will take place in Russia's Kazan region from October 22–24. The sixteenth summit will see the BRICS forum welcome Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Egypt as new members. Saudi Arabia may also participate in the upcoming summit, but only if the Kingdom approves. KSA has already received an invitation to join, but it has not yet announced whether it plans to join the cause. Saudi Arabia's entry into the bloc has the potential to boost the dedollarization drive.

                                                                                                                                              Currently, a minimum of twenty countries, including Brazil and many Southeast Asian states, engage in bilateral trade using their currencies. Even Japan, a close US-EU ally, indicated that it would opt for the local currency for cross-border trade. The geopolitical divide and its economic ramifications have expedited the trend to shift away from the US dollar.

                                                                                                                                              In February of last year, media sources claimed that the monthly transaction volume of the Chinese yuan in Russia exceeded the dollar for the first time.

                                                                                                                                              Alongside the BRICS factor, the progressive depreciation of the US dollar as a medium of global trade operation is also attributable to the rapidly shifting financial and trade dynamics. Secondly, the US frequently violates its charter and slaps coercive and unilateral sanctions on nations refusing to come to terms with its expansionist designs.

                                                                                                                                              The US's firm and obstinate stance on several global issues has resulted in the imposition of sanctions on its adversaries. Because of its currency exchange advantage, the US has frozen the assets of many nations, including Russia and Iran that disagree with its global policies. Russian and Iranian asset freezes have irritated the countries with US Treasury bonds, prompting them to withdraw their dollar holdings. Expressing dissent towards US foreign policy may result in asset seizure or suspension. It is necessary to have an alternative location to store those assets. According to reports, Saudi Arabia, a significant oil exporter in the Middle East, has indicated that it is willing to engage in trading using currencies other than the US dollar.

                                                                                                                                              The US dollar's global reserves are decreasing

                                                                                                                                              Over the past decade, the US dollar has accounted for over 70% of central banks' foreign exchange reserves, according to the IMF's Currency Composition of Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER) projections. However, in the fourth quarter of 2022, its proportion declined to 58.36%.

                                                                                                                                              China, the second-largest global economy, is rapidly reducing its ownership of US Treasury bonds while simultaneously boosting its gold reserves. According to figures issued by the US Treasury on Wednesday, Chinese ownership of US Treasury bonds decreased to $775 billion after seeing a decline of $22.7 billion in February and $18.6 billion in January. In February, China remained the second-largest holder of US government debt. However, China's holding of US government debt has been below the $1 trillion mark since April 2022.

                                                                                                                                              With the onset of the global dedollarization trend, numerous countries have expedited the process of diversifying their reserves by augmenting their gold holdings and adopting local currencies for international transactions.

                                                                                                                                              According to data released by the People's Bank of China, China's gold reserves rose to 2264.87 tons in the first quarter of 2024, up from 2235.39 tons in the fourth quarter of 2023. A country's central bank holds or controls its gold reserves.

                                                                                                                                              China's foreign exchange reserves reached a record high of $3.246 trillion as of March 2024, making them the largest in the world. The Chinese economy experienced a significant increase of $19.8 billion in February 2024, surpassing market expectations. This growth will contribute to maintaining the overall stability of the country's foreign exchange reserves.

                                                                                                                                              Interestingly, the US ally, Japan, is also dumping the dollar precisely because of the decline of the US economy and exchange rates, given the stunning internal and external debts. As of May 1, 2024, Japan had sold around $35 billion in US bonds against a $25 trillion US Treasury market. Last year, Japanese investors sold a record $30.8 billion in US shares, the largest since 1977.

                                                                                                                                              As of January 2024, Japan held $1.15 trillion in US securities, making it the largest non-US Treasury securities holder. China is the second-largest foreign holder of US debt, with $775 billion in securities bonds as of April 21, 2024. The U.K. is the third-largest holder, with $700.8 billion in security bonds. The US debt-to-GDP ratio is now 134% and climbing, as US debts are increasing much faster than the GDP.

                                                                                                                                              China's economy outperformed that of the US and its allies.

                                                                                                                                              Chinese financial experts assert that while the nominal GDP growth rate in the US appears favorable, significant inflation is driving a portion of this growth, leading to the accumulation of risk factors throughout the US economy. They believe it is now a prevailing tendency to diversify the range of foreign assets.

                                                                                                                                              As emerging economies, notably China, outpace the US and its Western allies, their share of world production has declined. China, the foremost economic competitor of the US, has become the principal commercial partner for more than 120 countries, with exports amounting to over £2.8 billion (US$3.6 trillion). This has the potential to cause the US to lag in the global race for trade dominance.

                                                                                                                                              Over the past two decades, China's share of the global economy has grown by more than two-thirds, rising from 8.9% to 18.5%. In contrast, the United States has seen a decline in its share from 20.1% to 15.5% in terms of purchasing power parity, which measures the value of a currency by comparing the prices of specific products.

                                                                                                                                              In 2021, the BRICS economies, which include Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, had a larger share of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in terms of purchasing power parity compared to the G-7 developed economies of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, and Japan.

                                                                                                                                              The US markets are now susceptible to significant financial disruptions due to US government debt expansion. As a result, several countries have opted for "de-dollarization" as a strategy to safeguard their economies. By February 2023, the budget deficit of the US government had grown to $723 billion, surpassing its receipts. The US's $31.46 trillion national debt is the result of a persistent budget deficit, which saw a fivefold increase compared to the preceding two decades. The current level of global debt stands at $235 trillion, signifying an exponential increase that is beyond sustainability.

                                                                                                                                              The opinions mentioned in this article do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Al mayadeen, but rather express the opinion of its writer exclusively.
                                                                                                                                                            Russia, Iran working to create single BRICS currency — Iranian ambassador (Россия и Иран работают над созданием единой валюты БРИКС — посол Ирана) / Russia, May, 2024
                                                                                                                                                            Keywords: brics+, economic_challenges

                                                                                                                                                            Kazem Jalali pointed out that the United States uses the dollar to create restrictions, and therefore the use of national currencies in mutual settlements is on the agenda

                                                                                                                                                            KAZAN, May 16. /TASS/. Iran is actively participating in the activities organized under of Russia's chairmanship in BRICS, and the countries are working to create a single currency for the association, Iranian Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali said at a press conference during "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum."

                                                                                                                                                            The ambassador noted that Iran, as a new member state of the association, is conducting large-scale work in BRICS.

                                                                                                                                                            "The creation of a new single currency within the framework of the association is what Russia and Iran are working on," the diplomat said.

                                                                                                                                                            The diplomat pointed out that the United States uses the dollar to create restrictions, and therefore the use of national currencies in mutual settlements is on the agenda.

                                                                                                                                                            "More than 60% of bilateral trade is in rubles and rials," he said and added that relations between Russia and Iran are now at the "golden stage."

                                                                                                                                                            The 15th International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum 2024" is being held on May 14-19 in Kazan. This year's keynote is "Trust and Cooperation." The main goal of the forum is to strengthen trade and economic, scientific and technical, social and cultural ties between Russian regions and the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), as well as to promote the development of the Islamic financial system institutions in Russia.
                                                                                                                                                                          Why cooperation with China is so important for Russia (Почему сотрудничество с Китаем так важно для России) / South Africa, May, 2024
                                                                                                                                                                          Keywords: expert_opinion, cooperation, economic_challenges
                                                                                                                                                                          South Africa

                                                                                                                                                                          China is possibly the most important partner Russia has in the international arena. The fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin chose Beijing for his first trip abroad after being inaugurated for a fifth term in office, perfectly indicates that, for the foreseeable future, cooperation with China will be the Kremlin's foreign policy top priority.

                                                                                                                                                                          Prior to the conflict in the Donbas that broke out in 2014, Russia was actively developing close ties with the West. But the Ukraine crisis had a serious impact on relations between the Kremlin and its Western partners. As a result, over the past 10 years, Moscow has been turning its geopolitical and geo-economics vector eastward.

                                                                                                                                                                          Russia now sees China as its major economic partner. Last year, bilateral trade between the two countries reached $240 billion, while both exports and imports between Russia and the European Union dropped significantly. For instance, in 2023 Russian exports to Europe reached $84.9 billion, which is much lower than the $303.6 billion the Russian Federation earned from exporting goods and energy to Asia.

                                                                                                                                                                          More importantly, Russia and China have doubled their trade turnover over the past five years. According to Putin, more than 90 percent of settlements between Russian and Chinese companies are now made in national currencies – rubles and yuan – rather than in U.S. dollars. In his view, business contacts between Moscow and Beijing are "reliably protected from the negative influence of third countries."

                                                                                                                                                                          The Russian leader was almost certainly referring to the sanctions the United States and its allies have imposed on his country over the Kremlin's actions in Ukraine. But given that sanctions were never approved by the United Nations Security Council, from the perspective of international law, nothing prevents China from increasing its economic cooperation with Russia.

                                                                                                                                                                          "In response to Western sanctions, Russia aims to bolster collaboration with China in the automotive and household appliance industries," Putin told Chinese President Xi Jinping following the summit the two leaders held in Beijing on May 16.

                                                                                                                                                                          The United States' recent decision to raise taxes on Chinese electric vehicles, advanced batteries, solar cells, steel, aluminum and medical equipment, could have a negative impact on the trade ties between Beijing and Washington. At the same time, it allows China to deeply enter the Russian market. It is no secret that several Chinese companies have increased their presence in Russia following the exodus of Western firms, which suggests that Moscow and Beijing will remain committed to what they often describe as "win-win cooperation" as the driving force in their relations.

                                                                                                                                                                          Previously, on May 14, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed that "the duo of Moscow and Beijing plays the most important balancing role in global affairs," which clearly suggests that Russia is interested in deepening strategic cooperation with China. Indeed, Putin's decision to visit Beijing shortly after his inauguration is unlikely a pure coincidence, but rather a carefully calculated move aimed at sending a political message to the West. As the U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said: In politics, nothing happens by accident. Dates and timings of bilateral meetings between world leaders always carry certain political weight.

                                                                                                                                                                          More importantly, the fact that Putin was accompanied by a high-powered delegation, including the new Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov and his predecessor Sergei Shoigu, indicates that Moscow aims to strengthen not only economic, but also security cooperation with China.

                                                                                                                                                                          There is no doubt that China and Russia will continue to deepen exchanges in the fields of politics, economics, diplomacy and people-to-people exchanges. They will also seek to jointly respond to regional and global issues and challenges in the context of intensified turmoil in the international geopolitical landscape. The two countries are expected to continue developing their cooperation in the BRICS format as well.

                                                                                                                                                                          Next month, Russia will host the BRICS summit in the city of Kazan, which will be another opportunity for the Russian and Chinese leaders to deepen what Xi labeled as "two-way political trust," and strengthen their "comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era".

                                                                                                                                                                          * Nikola Mikovic is a special commentator on current affairs for CGTN. He covers mostly Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian foreign policy issues and writes for multiple web magazines.

                                                                                                                                                                          ** The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of IOL or Independent Media.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Political Events
                                                                                                                                                                                        Political events in the public life of BRICS
                                                                                                                                                                                        Acting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov answers questions during a plenary session of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Moscow, May 14, 2024 (Исполняющий обязанности Министра иностранных дел Сергей Лавров отвечает на вопросы в ходе пленарного заседания Совета Федерации Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации, Москва, 14 мая 2024 года) / Russia, May, 2024
                                                                                                                                                                                        Keywords: quotation, sergey_lavrov

                                                                                                                                                                                        Question: President Vladimir Putin will visit China soon. Beijing appears to be undeterred by potential sanctions from the United States for its ties with Russia. How do Russia and China approach the establishment of a new international order?

                                                                                                                                                                                        Sergey Lavrov: This is one of the key items on today's agenda. Indeed, the Western efforts to preserve its hegemony have entered a critical phase. You mentioned that Beijing is not afraid of the Western sanctions that may be imposed on it for cooperating with Russia, but sanctions can now be imposed for much more than that.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Chinese President Xi Jinping met with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris not long ago. During this meeting, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen openly suggested in the presence of Chinese officials that China was producing too much of everything and suggested that it curbs the production alluding to potential sanctions otherwise. The United States has imposed sanctions on electric vehicles and EV batteries, meaning they will punish any nation for not only maintaining ties with Russia, but asserting independent behaviour as well.

                                                                                                                                                                                        China has emerged as a leader of global growth. This fact does not sit well with the United States, which, along with its satellites, having brought the rest of the West to its heel, made a doctrinal statement that they cannot allow anyone to become stronger or more influential than Washington. So, objectively, alongside our Chinese colleagues we are interested in continuing to lead the efforts to establish a fairer and more democratic world order. The West gets interested in democracy only when it needs to interfere in the domestic affairs of other countries. Then it starts thinking about democracy. However, on the international stage, it outright rejects all forms of equal cooperation, thus grossly violating the UN Charter, which states that the Organisation is based on the sovereign equality of all states.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Russia and China are not alone in their efforts to reform the international system and to promote the multipolar world order that would reflect the actual weight of the countries and their associations. Within the UN, we cooperate with the members of the Group of Friends in Defence of the Charter of the United Nations. This is an important and expanding association. Members of BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation stand with us as well.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Following the expansion of BRICS, our representation in the G20 has increased. Half of the G20 members are either BRICS members or share similar perspectives with us. Therefore, the Group of Twenty will undergo positive transformations emphasising the inclusion of the interests of other regions of the world and groups of countries rather than representing the interests of the collective West. In addition to cooperation within BRICS and the SCO, Russia and China actively support other integration processes in Eurasia, such as SCO-EAEU and SCO-ASEAN. The EAEU continues to engage with ASEAN.

                                                                                                                                                                                        China and Russia maintain extensive ties with the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf. Speaking of other continents, the African Union and numerous sub-regional associations are traditional partners of Russia and China. The same applies to Latin America where the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, especially with President of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva now in office, gained a second wind and once again became a point of attraction for the countries of the region. Russia and China maintain relations with this association.

                                                                                                                                                                                        We have numerous allies, and I have no doubt that we will have more of them which will contribute to democratising international relations, where every nation will have a rightful place of its own in global affairs based on its fair and actual contribution to the global economy, politics, and security system, as opposed to blackmail, threats, and ultimatums used by the West.

                                                                                                                                                                                        I can suggest with confidence that the duo of Moscow and Beijing is playing a crucial balancing role in international affairs. I am confident that the upcoming visit of President Putin to the People's Republic of China will further strengthen our joint efforts.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Question: Russia chairs BRICS this year. What's the status of the implementation of the Russian chairmanship priorities? What are the prospects for BRICS?

                                                                                                                                                                                        Sergey Lavrov: The Russian chairmanship's priorities are outlined in a fairly voluminous document. About 200 events have been planned in all spheres of BRICS activities that include nearly all areas of country-to-country interaction, ranging from politics and security to healthcare, sports, culture, and art.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Our key strategic goal is to ensure smooth integration of all new BRICS members − Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Ethiopia − that became full-fledged participants of our association on January 1 by the decision of the 15th BRICS summit that was held in 2023. This is a crucial objective that takes just one line to put in writing, but calls for daily efforts. This work is progressing at full speed. Sherpas and sous-sherpas have had several meetings. Meetings to discuss sector-specific cooperation have been held as well. We are moving forward at a good speed.

                                                                                                                                                                                        The second fundamental objective is to enhance our foreign policy coordination on multilateral platforms. I have earlier mentioned the role played by BRICS and the G20 and the UN members that share similar perspectives. We will continue to interact with them. To ramp up our efforts to promote foreign policy coordination and to direct it towards more concrete actions, we will use the upcoming meeting of foreign ministers from BRICS countries in Nizhny Novgorod in June. This is an important event, which will be held for the first time in an expanded format. The participants will focus on promoting international cooperation and coordination.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Our priorities include matters of countering new challenges and threats, such as terrorism, drug trafficking, cybercrime, corruption, money laundering, and the legalisation of criminal proceeds. BRICS has relevant sectoral units covering all these areas.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Establishing a dialogue with the countries that are interested in having closer ties with BRICS across a wide spectrum of issues ranging from full membership to working or partnership relations is another important goal. There are about 30 such countries. Expanding a dialogue with them will be among our top political priorities as well.

                                                                                                                                                                                        At the 2023 BRICS summit, the leaders of the member countries decided to establish a new interaction category called "partner countries." This category will largely replace the existing form of interaction, BRICS Plus. We plan to invite many countries and leaders of regional organisations from the Global South to the events sponsored by foreign ministries in Nizhny Novgorod and to the Kazan summit.

                                                                                                                                                                                        I've already covered the key points. We focus particularly on sports events, BRICS Games, cultural exchanges, and parliamentary diplomacy. The BRICS Parliamentary Forum will be held in St Petersburg in July. I'm aware that the Federation Council is actively involved in preparations. So, there's plenty to work on.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Question: I would like to thank you for the systematic support provided to parliamentary and public diplomacy. Cooperation with African countries has intensified noticeably. What is the progress of implementing the second Russia-Africa Summit which took place in July 2023?

                                                                                                                                                                                        Sergey Lavrov: Our ministry, the President and the Government have this issue under priority control. During the second summit, there were numerous plenary sessions and bilateral contacts with individual sub-regional African associations. All of that continues to expand as part of our everyday activities. This is one of the main items on the agenda, including the implementation of the Declaration and Action Plan adopted at the second summit. A total of five documents were adopted by the African Union and the Government of the Russian Federation that are aimed at expanding practical cooperation in investment and trade, the creation of new supply chains, and transitioning to trade in national currencies or through the establishment of alternative payment platforms.

                                                                                                                                                                                        The New Development Bank of BRICS headquartered in South Africa is fully operational. It focuses on implementing projects in African countries. We stand together with them in this regard. Along the same lines, we joined the African Export-Import Bank a couple of years ago. It is a workable mechanism that allows us to explore new opportunities to invest and to implement mutually beneficial projects. The Russian Export Centre also helps us move forward in that direction. There is the Association for Economic Cooperation with Africa which is a non-government entity. We would like to see it more actively engaged in practical work to implement agreements reached in St Petersburg in July 2023.

                                                                                                                                                                                        The above covers practical cooperation, i.e., the material foundation of our interaction. In political terms, African countries are our allies on many items of the international agenda, including the defence of the principles of the UN Charter, which the West wants to apply selectively. When they need something, they choose a principle to rely on. When they need something that is diametrically opposite, they pick a principle that lends itself to a different interpretation. For example, with regard to the referendum in Crimea, the West said it contradicted the principle of territorial integrity. When Kosovo unilaterally declared independence (and we talked about Serbia's territorial integrity), the West said the principle of the self-determination of peoples was at play. Therefore, we insist (and Africans support us) that all the principles of the UN Charter should always be applied in their entirety and interrelation. They are our allies in these matters. There are many items on the UN agenda where we vote as one.

                                                                                                                                                                                        We maintain close cooperation on the Palestine issue, the terrifying events that are unfolding in the Gaza Strip. In February, Africans were among the most active participants at the International Inter-Party Forum of Supporters of the Fight against Modern Neocolonial Practices. They will work in an entity that was created by the forum. The neocolonial theme is now widely discussed at various platforms. As an example of liberation from colonial dependence, Africa is leading in these processes. We support this trend.

                                                                                                                                                                                        In light of all the above and many other factors, during the planned structural adjustment of our ministry to new realities, we pay special attention to substantial increases in resources, including human resources, and enhancing organisational capabilities of our efforts in Africa.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Question: We have no more questions for you. Perhaps, you would like to say something in closing?

                                                                                                                                                                                        Sergey Lavrov: Ms Matviyenko, colleagues,

                                                                                                                                                                                        Thank you for your attention to the Foreign Ministry's performance. We have many common endeavours. I mentioned the Russia-Africa Parliamentary Forum, which took place concurrently with the Russia-Africa Summit. The parliamentarians focus similarly on relations with other regions of the world, including Latin America. Last year, a parliamentary forum was held on this subject, and the Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko spearheaded many initiatives to promote parliamentary diplomacy, including parliamentary forums for female elected representatives, including cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region and as part of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly. All of that significantly bolsters our joint efforts designed to implement the foreign policy course approved by the President.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Yesterday, following our discussion at a meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs, Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko and her colleagues put together several requests, including those concerning the practical activities of our foreign diplomatic missions, which we took under advisement. With regard to expanding our human resources potential, the sky is the limit. We are grateful for this kind of attention and look forward to continuing close cooperation with the Federation Council.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      World of Work
                                                                                                                                                                                                      SOCIAL POLICY, TRADE UNIONS, ACTIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Forum on future of BRICS countries may be held in 2025 (Форум о будущем стран БРИКС может состояться в 2025 году) / Russia, May, 2024
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Keywords: brics+

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Forum on future of BRICS countries may be held in 2025

                                                                                                                                                                                                      According to The Russia's Agency for Strategic Initiatives, the VISION FORUM BRICS+ may be held in 2025 in the UAE

                                                                                                                                                                                                      MOSCOW, May 14. /TASS/. The Russia's Agency for Strategic Initiatives proposed holding a forum to discuss the future of the BRICS countries, which could be held in 2025 in the UAE, according to the official ASI Telegram channel.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      "The Agency for Strategic Initiatives proposed holding a forum to discuss and forecast the future of the BRICS countries. The VISION FORUM BRICS+ may be held in 2025 in the UAE," the statement said.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      The Agency for Strategic Initiatives is an autonomous non-profit organization created to support promising socially significant projects of medium-sized businesses, improve the business climate, promote the development of young managers, and professional management in the social sphere.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    BRICS Women and their Quest for Cultural Cooperation (Женщины БРИКС и их стремление к культурному сотрудничеству) / Russia, May, 2024
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Keywords: expert_opinion, social_issues

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Russia is going to pay considerable attention to the issues of women empowerment and interstate women cooperation during its BRICS Chairship

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In this insightful interview, Dr. Victoria Panova, vice rector at the HSE University, head of BRICS Expert Council, managing director at the National Committee on BRICS Research, and Russian W20 Sherpa, discusses the dynamics of women engagement in BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) association, and further highlights the challenges facing their empowerment and evolving women-specific initiatives. She, however, pointed out that one of the important goals of the BRICS women community is to expand cooperation and ultimately to increase the global representation of BRICS women. Here are the interview excerpts:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    First and foremost, what instruments are available for women's empowerment and interaction under Russia's presidency of BRICS? The BRICS Women's Business Alliance (WBA)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Russia is going to pay considerable attention to the issues of women empowerment and interstate women cooperation during its BRICS Chairship. Chairship is going to include a wide range of events on the topic, including BRICS Women's Entrepreneurship Forum, BRICS Best Women's Startup Competition, Meeting of BRICS Ministers for Women's Affairs, and a brand-new initiative – BRICS Women's Forum that is going to be held within the Fourth Eurasian Women's Forum. Not to forget active format of Women's Business Alliance holding a dozen of various events.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    All these events serve multiple purposes: first, they enable networking among women from all BRICS States. Considering the amount and the scale of events, it won't be an overstatement to say that a full-fledged community of BRICS women has been formed over the years of fruitful partnership. Second, these events help to elaborate specific projects and initiatives aimed at women empowerment and enhancing women's well-being.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Some initiatives and global goals of the Russian Chairship have already been announced. For example, there are plans to launch a common digital platform that will unite female entrepreneurs from BRICS countries: this platform will contain info about common business projects and a database of all companies led by women from BRICS countries.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Do women in the BRICS association recognize themselves also as an effective social group, a core of the new emerging world order?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Recognition of equality, mutual respect, cooperation and diplomacy, and the right to have their own interests is implicitly present in BRICS. And the same goes with any kind of equality within the BRICS. The group is committed to achieving gender equality and empowerment of women (and how they can benefit from the ongoing cooperation).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Today, it is even more vital to strengthen the role of women and to develop new mechanisms and solutions so that girls and women have more rights and opportunities. At the same time, one needs to understand that we are working together with men (not opposing them) to put forward the equality of opportunities.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Every year BRICS networking platforms gather hundreds of women. And we are talking not only about women-specific events but also about BRICS Academic Forum, BRICS Civil Forum and other events held within the BRICS agenda. Such events bring together male and female leaders, entrepreneurs, scientists, public officials, academics, civil society representatives from all BRICS states. Women from the BRICS countries are truly united: they have established communication channels and platforms, they work with each other, talk to each other, share their expertise, generate new ideas and deliver their significant contribution to the development of BRICS.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Bringing women with greater diverse cultural backgrounds, most probably, constitute the first challenge. In your view, how and to what extent, can this challenge and a few others confronting them be tackled in this contemporary era?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Speaking as a representative of the Russian side, I must say that our country has substantial experience in this matter. Russia is a diverse, multi-ethnic, and multi-cultural state. Successful co-existence, respect, and partnership of people with different cultural backgrounds is a part of our DNA.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Having said that, different cultural backgrounds within BRICS is hardly a challenge. BRICS is a well-established format: we have already worked with each other for years and learned each other's cultural backgrounds down to the most particular features. True, in 2024 we welcome new members to the BRICS family, yet these countries are no strangers to us and we have a longstanding history of partnership with them. This partnership includes cooperation among women too. Therefore, I believe that the integration of women from new BRICS states will be smooth and effective.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Despite all you have discussed above, in what ways would you argue that women, as a group in BRICS, are a unique force for making the necessary impact on development especially in the Global South?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Women continue to demonstrate their resilience and knowledge in tackling numerous burning issues that are on the agenda both in their homeland and on the international arena. As I have already mentioned previously, there are various events, forums as well as platforms within BRICS where women present their ideas and protect initiatives not only regarding rights and gender parity but also issues of addressing key challenges of the World Majority.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    There is no doubt that BRICS will continue to play its role to foster women's inclusion and empowerment. The BRICS members demonstrate commitment and make progress towards bridging gender divides in the economy. All BRICS members have special national comprehensive policies to facilitate women empowerment and public authorities directly responsible for their implementation.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Such symbiosis of the BRICS governments on the one hand and women's business activity on the other hand makes women of BRICS nations a unique power that brings a significant impact on development issues of paramount importance of the World Majority.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In terms of strategic outlook, can women participating in the BRICS civil society act as a unified group in dealing with dominance by Western and European countries?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    First, I would like to point out that BRICS is not a group that focuses on dealing with Western dominance but rather on its own development. A new culture of respect for the differences and complex identity of each country is what we need to remember.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Consequently, one of the goals of the BRICS women community is to increase the global representation of BRICS women. It is quite obvious that women from BRICS countries and many other states are still vastly underrepresented in global decision-making. Yet, like I said before, women from BRICS are now a strong international community that has its own platforms, initiatives and global projects that make their voice heard on the global level. Everything that is done on the topic of women empowerment within BRICS contributes to closing the gap in terms of BRICS women representation in global governance.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    It is important to mention that women from the developing world are not excluded from the global process of women emancipation and one of the reasons for that is the existence of BRICS.

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